French French Educational Material And Classroom Furnitures

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The French word 'cas' is used similarly to the English 'case'. It can suggest a particular situation or event, as well as a legal investigation. But be careful, in French 'cas' does not mean a box or a container, for that the word 'boîte' is used.

Example sentences with  cas →

The French word for chair is 'chaise'. This word is used similarly to how it's used in English, referring to a piece of furniture designed for one person to sit on. It can be used in various contexts, whether you're talking about the furniture in your home or a seat in a public space.

Example sentences with  chaise →

The French word for 'book' is 'livre'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a bound collection of sheets of paper, parchment, or similar materials. It can be related to a variety of genres - from novels and non-fiction works to textbooks and manuals.

Example sentences with  livre →

The French word for computer is 'ordinateur'. This word is used much in the same way as it is in English, to refer to a programmable machine that performs high-speed processing of numbers, as well as manipulation of text, graphics, and sound. For example, 'Je suis devant mon ordinateur' which means 'I'm in front of my computer.'

Example sentences with  ordinateur →

The French word for 'paper' is 'papier'. It is used in a similar context as in English, referring to the material used for writing, drawing, or printing on. It can also refer to a piece of paper, like a document or newspaper. For example, 'un papier' could mean a sheet of paper or a document, while 'du papier' could refer to paper as a material.

Example sentences with  papier →

The French word 'règle' corresponds to 'rule' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as literal rules or guidelines to follow, a regular or standard procedure, measurement tool, or even in mathematical context just like its English counterpart. Always pay attention to the context as it might alter the word's meaning.

Example sentences with  règle →

The word 'table' in French is also 'table', pronounced slightly differently. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface on which objects may be placed. It's used in everyday language and is a commonly known noun.

Example sentences with  table →

The French word 'tableau' is used to mean 'board'. It is commonly used in the context of blackboard or whiteboard in a classroom. However, it can also refer to a dashboard or panel of buttons and gadgets in cars or machines, and even a painting or a work of art in gallery. So depending on the context, 'tableau' can have different meanings.

Example sentences with  tableau →
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