French French Cycle Of Life And Reproductions

Learn French faster with the most commonly used Cycle Of Life And Reproductions.

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The term 'grandir' in French is used to express the idea of becoming larger or increasing in size, which could pertain to both physical and metaphorical growth. Just the same as in English, this term can be used to address a person’s growing in terms of age, knowledge, personal development and so on.

Example sentences with  grandir →
la vie

The French word 'la vie' translates to 'life' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to either the existence of an individual/entity or the experience of living. It can be used in various contexts, such as discussing lifestyle ('style de vie') or life span ('durée de vie'). Pay close attention to gender when using 'la vie' in a sentence, as it is feminine in French.

Example sentences with  la vie →

The French word for 'death' is 'mort'. It is a noun used in many contexts, similar to English. For example, it could refer to the end of life or a state of being dead. It can also be used metaphorically to express the idea of ending or extinction. Like many nouns, the use of 'mort' might change depending on whether it's used in a figurative or literal sense, and its meaning might be influenced by the words and phrases around it.

Example sentences with  mort →
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