French French Computers And New Technologiess

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The French word for computer is 'ordinateur'. This word is used much in the same way as it is in English, to refer to a programmable machine that performs high-speed processing of numbers, as well as manipulation of text, graphics, and sound. For example, 'Je suis devant mon ordinateur' which means 'I'm in front of my computer.'

Example sentences with  ordinateur →

The French word for 'press' is 'presse'. It is used much like its English counterpart, both for the act of applying pressure to something and referring to the media industry. However, context plays a significant role in determining its specific use. For instance, in sentences alluding to the media or journalism, it refers to the press as an establishment. On the other hand, in the context of actions such as pressing a button, it is used as a verb.

Example sentences with  presse →
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