French French Classroom Languages

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The French word 'activité' directly translates to 'activity' in English. It's used in similar context to describe action or tasks. It can refer to any kind of physical or mental occupation or pursuit. For example, 'Activité physique' means 'Physical activity'. In the plural form, 'activités' can also mean different types of events or hobbies.

Example sentences with  activité →

In French, 'apprendre' is the verb used for learning. It can be used in various contexts such as learning a lesson (apprendre une leçon), learning to drive (apprendre à conduire), or learning a language (apprendre une langue). It is an irregular verb, and hence has different conjugation patterns. Be sure to use it in the appropriate context for effective communication.

Example sentences with  apprendre →

The French word 'comparer' is a verb that is used very similarly to the English verb 'compare'. It can be used to denote the act of evaluating the similarities and differences between two or more objects, ideas, or individuals. Like in English, 'comparer' can be applied in various contexts, including but not limited to scientific, literary, and everyday colloquial usage.

Example sentences with  comparer →

The word 'dessiner' in French translates to 'draw' in English. In French, it is used in much the same contexts as in English. One can use it when talking about creating a picture using pencil, pen or other drawing materials. Like English, it can also be used metaphorically in various expressions.

Example sentences with  dessiner →

The French word 'deviner' is equivalent to the English word 'guess'. It is a commonly used verb in French, just as it is in English. It is used in various contexts, such as making a conjecture, assuming, or guessing the answer to a question. Examples of its usage can be found in phrases like 'Je ne peux que deviner' (I can only guess) or 'Devine qui?' (Guess who?).

Example sentences with  deviner →

The French word 'écrire' translates to 'write' in English. In French grammar, 'écrire' is an irregular -re verb and requires certain modifications depending on different grammatical tenses and moods. For instance, 'I write' is 'J'écris'. It is utilized in various contexts that revolve around the act of writing like 'writing a letter' - 'écrire une lettre', 'writing a book' - 'écrire un livre', etc. Similar to English, it is also used metaphorically in some expressions.

Example sentences with  écrire →

The French word for 'study' is 'étudier'. It is usually used to refer to the act of devoting time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject, especially by means of books, or a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation.

Example sentences with  étudier →

The word 'jouer' means 'play' in French. This verb can be used in a variety of contexts, including playing a sport or a game ('jouer au football'), playing an instrument ('jouer du piano'), or play in the sense of acting in a theater ('jouer dans une pièce de théâtre'). It also can mean 'to gamble' ('jouer de l'argent'). Note, however, it does not translate all uses of 'play', as French often uses other verbs for more specific types of play.

Example sentences with  jouer →

The French verb 'lire' means 'to read'. Just like in English, it can be used in several contexts such as reading a book, a sign, a map etc. It is an irregular verb and so, has different conjugations for different tenses and moods. For example, 'Il lit un livre' translates to 'He is reading a book'.

Example sentences with  lire →

In French, 'page' has the same spelling and meaning as English. It refers to one side of a sheet of paper in a collection of sheets bound together, such as in a book or notebook. For instance, you might use it like, 'Tournez la page' which means 'Turn the page.' It's a directly translatable word and commonly used in both languages in regular conversations and in writing.

Example sentences with  page →

The French word 'relation' is used in the same way as the English word 'relationship'. It can refer to any kind of connection between two or more entities, whether it be personal relationships between people, a relationship between different concepts, etc. It's important to note that in French 'relation' is a feminine noun, so any adjectives used with it need to agree in gender.

Example sentences with  relation →
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