French Learn French: Christmas Vocabulary

A collection of French vocabulary related to Christmas, including translations, pronunciation guides, and contextual examples.


The word 'adoration' in French is equivalent to 'worship' in English. It's predominantly used in reference to the act of expressing love, adoration, and respect for a deity. However, it can also refer to an intense admiration or love for someone or something. It is widely used in religious contexts.

Example sentences with  adoration

The word 'amis' is used in French to represent friends. It is a plural noun and is used to refer to more than one friend. Much like in English, it can be used in any context where one might discuss their friends, such as hanging out with friends, childhood friends, or mutual friends.

Example sentences with  amis

In French, the English word 'love' is translated as 'amour'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English to express romantic affection or deep friendliness towards someone or something. For example, 'Je t'aime' in French is 'I love you' in English. It's vital in phrases that express strong emotional statements.

Example sentences with  amour

The French word 'anges' translates to 'angels' in English. It is a noun and it's commonly used in religious or spiritual contexts to refer to spiritual beings believed to act as attendants to or agents of God. Like in English, it can be used in plural form ('des anges') or singular form ('un ange').

Example sentences with  anges

The French word for 'blessings' is 'bénédictions'. This term is used similarly in French as it is in English, to represent divine or spiritual favor, well wishes, or positive thoughts. However, like English, the term can also be used more generally to express gratitude or thankfulness in day-to-day conversation or during special occasions.

Example sentences with  bénédictions

Bethléem is used in French in the same way as Bethlehem is used in English. It is the name of a city in the Middle East, significant in Christianity as the birthplace of Jesus. Geographical names do not typically have gender or plural forms.

Example sentences with  Bethléem

The French equivalent for the English word 'cookies' is 'biscuits'. 'Biscuits' in French cover a wide range of both sweet and savoury varieties, just like 'cookies' in English. Examples of its usage in sentences could be: 'J'aime les biscuits avec mon café' (I like cookies with my coffee), 'J'ai mangé tous les biscuits' (I ate all the cookies).

Example sentences with  biscuits
bonhomme de neige

The French term for 'snowman' is 'bonhomme de neige'. Just like in English, this term is used to describe a figure made of snow that is shaped like a human. It's a common word used during winter or in contexts related to snow or winter activities.

Example sentences with  bonhomme de neige

The French word for 'gifts' is 'cadeaux'. 'Cadeaux' is used in pretty much the same way as 'gifts' in English. It is a plural noun which is used to refer to presents or things that you give to someone on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays.

Example sentences with  cadeaux
canne de bonbon
candy canes

The term 'canne de bonbon' is used in French to refer to the festive sweet 'candy cane'. It's a term particularly popular around Christmas time in French-speaking countries. It is used in the same way as 'candy canes' is used in English.

Example sentences with  canne de bonbon

The French word 'cantiques' is used to denote religious hymns that are generally sung at festive times like Christmas, similar to 'carols' in English. Just like in English, it's a plural noun, can be used generically, or can be specific to a particular song when used in context.

Example sentences with  cantiques

The word 'casse-noisette' is used in French just like the English 'nutcracker'. It is primarily a tool for cracking nuts. However, it is also famous as the title of a well-known ballet by Tchaikovsky, 'Le Casse-Noisette'.

Example sentences with  casse-noisette

The French word 'chaleur' is used to express the term 'warmth' in English. It is mostly used to describe the warmth of the temperature, or a sensation of heat, and could also be used metaphorically to express affection and kindness, similar to how we use 'warmth' in English. Example in a sentence: 'La chaleur de son accueil nous a réchauffés.' which translates as 'The warmth of his welcome warmed us up.'

Example sentences with  chaleur

The word 'cheminée' in French is used to refer to a fireplace in English. It is a common feature in many homes, often found in the living room. Just like in English, 'cheminée' can also refer to the flue or chimney that allows smoke to exit the home.

Example sentences with  cheminée
chocolat chaud
hot cocoa

The French word for 'hot cocoa' is 'chocolat chaud'. It is pronounced as sho-ko-la sho. Just like in English, it can be used in any context where you are referring to a warm, sweet beverage made from chocolate or cocoa powder and milk.

Example sentences with  chocolat chaud
clochettes tintantes
jingle bells

The phrase 'clochettes tintantes', is usually used in the context of Christmas songs and decorations in French-speaking regions, which literally means 'jingle bells' in English. It is often associated with the sounds of bells from Santa's sleigh or on Christmas decorations.

Example sentences with  clochettes tintantes

In French, 'compassion' has the same meaning as it does in English, representing a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for someone else's suffering. It is used to express emotional empathy in conversations. It is pronounced as 'com-pa-ssion' with the emphasis on the second syllable.

Example sentences with  compassion

The French word 'confortable' is used similar to the English word 'cozy'. It is most commonly used to describe places or objects that are comfortable, warm, or inviting, such as a cozy home (un maison confortable) or a cozy chair (un chaise confortable). However, it doesn't express the intimacy or small space the way 'cozy' does in English.

Example sentences with  confortable

The French word for 'wreath' is 'couronne'. It can be used in the same contexts as in English, for example for Christmas or funeral wreaths, or metaphorically to indicate honor or prestige.

Example sentences with  couronne

The French word 'décorations' is used similar to the English word 'decorations'. It can refer to items used to beautify a room or a place, especially during festivities. For example, during Christmas, one might say 'J'aime les décorations de Noël' which translates to 'I love Christmas decorations'.

Example sentences with  décorations

The French word for 'elf' is 'elfe'. It is used in much the same context as in English, for describing a type of supernatural being in folklore and fantasy literature, often characterized as a small, delicate, elusive figure in human form with pointed ears.

Example sentences with  elfe

The word 'hope' is translated into French as 'espoir'. In French, 'espoir' is generally used the same way as in English, indicating a feeling of expectation and desire for certain things to happen. 'Espoir' agrees in number, which means it can be 'espoirs' ('hopes') in plural.

Example sentences with  espoir

The French word 'étoile' translates as 'star' in English. It can be used in the same context as in English, pertaining to a natural object visible in the sky when dark or a famous person or personality. For example, 'Il y a beaucoup d'étoiles dans le ciel ce soir' means 'There are a lot of stars in the sky tonight'. Another example is 'Il est une étoile du cinéma' meaning 'He is a movie star'.

Example sentences with  étoile

The French word 'famille' is used in the same context as the English word 'family'. It refers to a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adopting, living together. It can also refer to all the descendants of a common ancestor. It is used in several expressions such as 'Une grande famille' meaning a large family or 'Toute ma famille' meaning all my family.

Example sentences with  famille

The French word 'festif' is used to describe any event, activity, or atmosphere that is joyful or celebratory, much like the use of 'festive' in English. It is often used in the context of holidays, parties, or other celebratory events.

Example sentences with  festif

The French word 'festivité' is used to denote any festive or celebration-oriented event, similar to the English word 'festivity'. It is often used to refer to holidays, parties, and other similar events. For example, 'La ville est connue pour ses festivités du Nouvel An' translates to 'The city is known for its New Year's festivities'.

Example sentences with  festivité
flocons de neige

The French equivalent of 'snowflakes' is 'flocons de neige'. It is used the same as in English, to describe the small individual pieces of snow that fall from the sky during a snowfall. Example: 'Les flocons de neige tombent du ciel', which means 'The snowflakes are falling from the sky.'

Example sentences with  flocons de neige

The French word 'foi' translates to 'faith' in English. In general, 'foi' is used to express a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. It is also often used in a religious context to refer to strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion.

Example sentences with  foi

The French word 'générosité' is used similarly as the English word 'generosity', typically referring to the quality of being kind and generous. It is often used in contexts like social, personal, and charitable donations, including helping others and showing kindness.

Example sentences with  générosité

The word 'gentillesse' is a common French noun often used to describe the quality of being kind or benevolent. It can be used in various contexts where you would want to highlight someone's kind nature or a kind act. It is always feminine and singular, regardless of whom it describes.

Example sentences with  gentillesse
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