French French Characteristics Of A Workers

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The word 'compétence' in French translates to 'skill' in English. It's used much like its English counterpart, referring to the ability to do something well. It might refer to a learned ability, such as 'computer skills', or a natural talent, like 'drawing skills'. Similarly, it can also refer to a proficient capacity in a job or profession, such as 'chef's skills'.

Example sentences with  compétence

The French word 'expérience' translates to 'experience' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as work experience ('expérience de travail') or life experience ('expérience de vie'). Like in English, it can refer to the knowledge or skill gained over time, or an event or occurrence which leaves an impression. However, it is also important to know the context it is used in as it could also mean experiment, as in a scientific experiment.

Example sentences with  expérience

The French word 'travailleur' is used in much the same way as 'worker' in English. It describes someone who works, often in a manual or blue-collar capacity, but also applies more generally to anyone who exerts themselves laboriously. The pronunciation is tra-vai-yeur. It can also be used in multiple contexts. For instance, 'un travailleur acharné' means 'a hard worker', while 'les droits des travailleurs' refers to 'workers' rights'.

Example sentences with  travailleur
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