French French Accommodations

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The French word 'confortable' is used similar to the English word 'cozy'. It is most commonly used to describe places or objects that are comfortable, warm, or inviting, such as a cozy home (un maison confortable) or a cozy chair (un chaise confortable). However, it doesn't express the intimacy or small space the way 'cozy' does in English.

Example sentences with  confortable →

The word 'donner' is the French equivalent of the English word 'give'. It is used almost always in the same context as 'give', typically when transferring something from one person to another. It can also be used in many other contexts, like 'give me your hand' ('donne-moi ta main') or 'give a gift' ('donner un cadeau'). However, as with all translations, some idiomatic or cultural uses may not translate directly.

Example sentences with  donner →

The French word for 'book' is 'livre'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a bound collection of sheets of paper, parchment, or similar materials. It can be related to a variety of genres - from novels and non-fiction works to textbooks and manuals.

Example sentences with  livre →
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