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French Sample French Vocab


The French word 'retourner' translates to 'return' in English. It is a common verb that can be used in various contexts in the French language. One can use it to return to a location (Je retourne à Paris.' - 'I return to Paris.') or to return an item (Je vais retourner ce chemisier. – I am going to return this blouse).

Example sentences with  retourner →

The French word for 'away' is 'loin'. It is most often used in the context of distance, both in a literal sense (like being a certain amount of miles away) and in a more figurative sense (like being emotionally distant). It can also be used to mean 'gone', as in 'he is away', which would be 'il est loin'.

Example sentences with  loin →
au revoir pour toujours
Goodbye forever

The French phrase 'au revoir pour toujours' is used almost identically to 'goodbye forever' in English. It is a formal and somewhat dramatic way of saying goodbye, indicating that you do not expect to see the person again. However, it is not frequently used in casual conversation, as it carries a strong emotional weight.

Example sentences with  au revoir pour toujours →

The word 'histoire' in French corresponds to 'story' in English. It can be used in the context of telling a narrative or tale, as in 'raconte une histoire'. It can also refer to history, depending on the context. Please note that French words may have different meanings based on their usage and context.

Example sentences with  histoire →

The French term 'où' is equivalent to the English word 'where'. It is used to ask about a location or position. Similar to English, 'où' can be used in both direct and indirect questions or clauses about location. As an example, 'Où est la bibliothèque?' translates to 'Where is the library?' in English. It also plays a role in some descriptive clauses, such as in 'L'endroit où nous avons mangé' which translates to 'The place where we ate'.

Example sentences with  où →

The French word 'entier' translates to 'whole' in English. It could be used in various contexts. It is often used to indicate an entire or full amount of something. Just like in English, 'entier' can be used in various sentences of French, for instance, 'L'ensemble du fromage' means 'The whole cheese'. It is also used to describe someone who is honest and complete.

Example sentences with  entier →
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