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French Sample French Vocab


The French word for west is 'ouest'. Similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as geographical directions, weather reports, or to describe the areas in the west of a region or country. For instance, if one is instructing someone to head west in French, they would say to 'head to the ouest'. It can also be found in compound words like North-West ('nord-ouest') or South-West ('sud-ouest'). It's important to note that in French, compass directions are not capitalized unless they are part of a proper noun.

Example sentences with  ouest →

The French word for inspection is the same as in English, inspection. It is used in the same way, meaning a careful examination or review of something.

Example sentences with  inspection →

The French word for lead is 'plomb'. It is used in French in exactly the same contexts as in English, typically to refer to a heavy, soft, malleable, grayish-blue metallic element that is resistant to corrosion. The French word 'plomb' can also refer to the act of guidance or direction which is 'conduire' in French. Therefore, be careful with the context the word is being used.

Example sentences with  plomb →

The French word for chest is 'poitrine'. It is used in a similar way to the English word, referring to the part of the body between the neck and the stomach. It can also be used to refer to the chest of an animal, or to a wooden chest for storing things. In the context of cooking, 'poitrine' can refer to the breast of a bird, such as a chicken or a turkey.

Example sentences with  poitrine →

The French word for 'wreath' is 'couronne'. It can be used in the same contexts as in English, for example for Christmas or funeral wreaths, or metaphorically to indicate honor or prestige.

Example sentences with  couronne →

In French, 'public' is also translated as 'public'. It is used in much the same way as in English, referring to the people who come into contact with a certain product, service, person, organization, etc. It is generally applied in settings such as public service, public figures, public protest, etc. An example of its use would be: 'Il travaille dans le secteur public.' meaning 'He works in the public sector.'

Example sentences with  public →
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