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zūn zhòng

English translation of 尊重


The Chinese term '尊重' directly translates to 'respect' in English. This term is widely used in Chinese culture across all aspects, whether family, school, or social relationships. It reflects the value of acknowledging the views, feelings, space, and rights of others. Replacing it in subjects or objects in sentence expresses the act of respect.

Example sentences using: 尊重


Wǒmen xūyào zūnzhòng měi gè rén de xuǎnzé.

English translation of 我们需要尊重每个人的选择。

We need to respect everyone's choices.

This phrase suggests the importance of acknowledging and not interfering with others' decisions.


Tā méiyǒu zūnzhòng wǒ.

English translation of 他没有尊重我。

He did not respect me.

This phrase indicates that the speaker was not treated with respect or dignity by the person they're referring.


Zūnzhòng zìrán shì wǒmen de zérèn.

English translation of 尊重自然是我们的责任。

It is our duty to respect nature.

This phrase expresses the responsibility one should take to respect and protect the natural environment.


Wǒmen zài cǐ zūnzhòng yīqiè guīzé.

English translation of 我们在此尊重一切规则。

We respect all rules here.

This phrase stipulates the adherence to established rules in the given context or environment.


Zūnzhòng duìfāng, zūnzhòng shìshí.

English translation of 尊重对方,尊重事实。

Respect others, respect the facts.

This phrase represents a principle or belief emphasizing the respect for both individuals and reality as crucial elements for our interactions.


Wǒmen bìxū zūnzhòng fǎlǜ.

English translation of 我们必须尊重法律。

We must respect the law.

This phrase indicates the obligation to abide by and show respect for the law.


Zhè shì guān yú zūnzhòng gèrén yǐnsī de wèntí.

English translation of 这是关于尊重个人隐私的问题。

This is a question about respecting personal privacy.

This sentence talks about a matter concerning the respect of individual privacy.


Zūnzhòng zhǎngbèi shì zhōnghuá chuántǒng.

English translation of 尊重长辈是中华传统。

Respecting elders is a Chinese tradition.

This phrase speaks of the traditional Chinese value about revering and valuing older members of the society.


Wǒ huì zūnzhòng nǐ de juédìng.

English translation of 我会尊重你的决定。

I will respect your decision.

This phrase is a promise that the speaker will honor and accept the other party's determination.


Zūnzhòng tārén de yìjiàn fēicháng zhòngyào.

English translation of 尊重他人的意见非常重要。

Respecting other people's opinions is very important.

This phrase emphasizes the significance of having an open mind and not disregarding others' perspectives.

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