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zǔ mǔ

English translation of 祖母


In Chinese, '祖母' refers to the mother of one's parent, which is known as 'grandmother' in English. It is often used to talk about family relations and is a respectful title in Chinese culture.

Example sentences using: 祖母


zǔ mǔ dài wǒ men qù gōng yuán

English translation of 祖母带我们去公园。

Grandma took us to the park.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The verb '带' (dài) means 'to take', and '我们' (wǒmen) is the first person plural pronoun meaning 'us'.


zǔ mǔ jiāo le yī hěn duō shì

English translation of 祖母教了我很多事。

Grandma taught me many things.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The verb '教' (jiāo) means 'to teach', and '很多' (hěn duō) means 'many'.


wǒ xǐ huān yǔ zǔ mǔ liáo tiān

English translation of 我喜欢和祖母聊天。

I like chatting with Grandma.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The verb '喜欢' (xǐ huān) means 'to like', and '聊天' (liáo tiān) means 'to chat'.


zǔ mǔ gěi wǒ men mǎi lái yī zhī gǒu

English translation of 祖母给我们买来了一只狗。

Grandma bought us a dog.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The verb '给' (gěi) means 'to give', and '买来' (mǎi lái) means 'bought'.


wǒ de zǔ mǔ shì yī wèi hǎo chú zǐ

English translation of 我的祖母是一位好厨子。

My grandmother is a good cook.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The adjective '好' (hǎo) means 'good', and '厨子' (chú zǐ) means 'cook'.


zǔ mǔ cháng bāng wǒ men zuò fàn

English translation of 祖母常帮我们做饭。

Grandma often helps us cook.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The verb '帮' (bāng) means 'to help', and '做饭' (zuò fàn) means 'to cook'.


wǒ de zǔ mǔ yǒu yī gè hěn dà de jiā

English translation of 我的祖母有一个很大的家。

My grandmother has a very big house.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The adjective '很' (hěn) means 'very', and '大' (dà) means 'big'.


wǒ de zǔ mǔ jiào xiǎo bēi

English translation of 我的祖母叫小贝.

My grandmother's name is Little Bee.

This phrase uses '祖母' (zǔ mǔ) to refer to the speaker's grandmother. The name 'Little Bee' is a direct translation of the Chinese name '小贝' (xiǎo bēi).

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