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zì háo

English translation of 自豪


The word '自豪' in Chinese is used to express pride in oneself or a sense of achievement. Like the English word 'proud', '自豪' can be used in a variety of contexts to describe both personal feelings and the pride one might feel for someone else's accomplishments. However, be aware that the context can change the connotation of the word, and it should be used appropriately.

Example sentences using: 自豪


tā wèi tā de háizi gǎndào zìháo.

English translation of 他为他的孩子感到自豪。

He is proud of his child.

The speaker is expressing his pride in his child's achievements.


wǒmen wèi zìháo de jīngshén xiàng nǐmen zhìjìng.

English translation of 我们为自豪的精神向你们致敬。

We salute you with our proud spirits.

This phrase expresses a high degree of respect and admiration, using pride as a symbol.


zìháo de xīnqíng wúfǎ yánbiǎo.

English translation of 自豪的心情无法言表。

Words can't describe how proud I am.

This sentence uses a popular phrase to capture a feeling of indescribable pride.


wǒ wèi wǒmen de tuánduì gǎndào zìháo.

English translation of 我为我们的团队感到自豪。

I am proud of our team.

The speaker expresses their pride in the collective achievements of the team.


tā wèi guójiā de róngyù gǎndào zìháo.

English translation of 他为国家的荣誉感到自豪。

He is proud of the honor of the country.

This phrase conveys the feeling of pride one has for their nation's accomplishments.


nǐ de chéngjì ràng wǒmen dōu gǎndào zìháo.

English translation of 你的成绩让我们都感到自豪。

Your achievements make us all proud.

This phrase expresses a shared sense of pride as a result of another's accomplishments.


zhège jiǎngxiàng ràng wǒmen gǎndào zìháo.

English translation of 这个奖项让我们感到自豪。

This award makes us proud.

This phrase expresses the pride that comes from receiving recognition or an award.


wǒmen wèi zìháo de lìshǐ gǎndào jiāo'ào.

English translation of 我们为自豪的历史感到骄傲。

We are proud of our proud history.

This sentence expresses the pride one derives from their history, traditions or past.


wǒ wèi zìjǐ de chénggōng gǎndào zìháo.

English translation of 我为自己的成功感到自豪。

I am proud of my own success.

This sentence expresses the speaker's pride for their personal achievements.


zìháo de gǎnjué chōngmǎnle wǒ de xīn.

English translation of 自豪的感觉充满了我的心。

A feeling of pride fills my heart.

This phrase captures a profound sense of pride that overwhelms the speaker emotionally.

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