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zì fú chuàn

English translation of 字符串


In Chinese, the term '字符串' is commonly used in the field of computer science and programming specifically to refer to a sequence of characters or a string.

Example sentences using: 字符串


Zhège zìfúchuàn fēicháng dútè.

English translation of 这个字符串非常独特。

This string is very unique.

This sentence is complimenting the uniqueness of a specific 'string' (字符串).


Wǒ xūyào gǎibiàn zhège zìfúchuàn.

English translation of 我需要改变这个字符串。

I need to change this string.

This is a simple sentence where the speaker expresses the need to modify a given 'string' (字符串).


Zìfúchuàn de chángdù shì duōshǎo?

English translation of 字符串的长度是多少?

What is the length of the string?

In this example, the speaker is asking about the length of a 'string' (字符串).


Nǐ kěyǐ jiěxī zhège zìfúchuàn ma?

English translation of 你可以解析这个字符串吗?

Can you parse this string?

Here, the speaker is asking if the other party can 'parse a string' (字符串).


Qǐng chuàngjiàn yīgè xīn de zìfúchuàn.

English translation of 请创建一个新的字符串。

Please create a new string.

This sentence is a request to 'create a new string' (字符串).


Zhège zìfúchuàn méiyǒu cuòwù.

English translation of 这个字符串没有错误。

This string has no errors.

This example is a statement affirming that there are no errors in the 'string' (字符串).


Rúhé liánjiē liǎng gè zìfúchuàn?

English translation of 如何连接两个字符串?

How to concatenate two strings?

In this sentence, the speaker is asking about 'concatenating two strings' (字符串).


Zhège zìfúchuàn shì shénme yìsi?

English translation of 这个字符串是什么意思?

What does this string mean?

Here, the speaker is asking about the meaning of a 'string' (字符串).


Wúfǎ shíbié zhège zìfúchuàn.

English translation of 无法识别这个字符串。

Unable to recognize this string.

This sentence expresses the incapacity to 'recognize a string' (字符串).


Zìfúchuàn tài zhǎng le.

English translation of 字符串太长了。

The string is too long.

In this scenario, the speaker is saying that a certain 'string' (字符串) is overly lengthy.

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