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zì dòng de

English translation of 自动地


The Chinese word '自动地' represents an action that is done by a person, machine, or system on its own without anyone making it happen, equivalent to automatically in English. The word is usually used as an adverb in sentences, indicating a spontaneous or programmed series of actions or procedures.

Example sentences using: 自动地


diànshìjī yǐjīng jiāng zìjǐ zìdòng de diào dào le zhèngquè de píndào.

English translation of 电视机已经将自己自动地调到了正确的频道。

The television has automatically tuned to the correct channel.

This sentence is expressing that the television has the capacity to autonomously adjust itself to the correct channel.


xǐwǎnjī huì zìdòng de qīngxǐ nǐ de cānjù.

English translation of 洗碗机会自动地清洗你的餐具。

The dishwasher will automatically clean your utensils.

The sentence describes how a dishwasher has the automatic function of cleaning utensils.


diàntī mén zìdòng de guān shàng le.

English translation of 电梯门自动地关上了。

The elevator door closed automatically.

The sentence is saying that the elevator door closes by itself without external control.


wǒ de shǒujī zìdòng de qiēhuàn zhì jìngyīn móshì.

English translation of 我的手机自动地切换至静音模式。

My mobile phone automatically switched to silent mode.

The sentence is stating that the cell phone automatically adjusts itself to the silent mode without manual control.


chēliàng zìdòng de tiáojié sùdù.

English translation of 车辆自动地调节速度。

The vehicle automatically adjusts its speed.

The sentence expresses how a vehicle can auto control and adjust its speed.


dēngguāng zìdòng de biàn àn le.

English translation of 灯光自动地变暗了。

The light automatically dimmed.

This statement describes how the intensity of a light source can decrease automatically.


kōngtiáo zìdòng de kāishǐ le chúshī móshì.

English translation of 空调自动地开始了除湿模式。

The air conditioner has automatically started the dehumidification mode.

The sentence is indicating that the air conditioner has an automatic feature to start dehumidifying the room.


fēijī zìdòng de shēng qǐ le.

English translation of 飞机自动地升起了。

The aircraft automatically lifted off.

This sentence is describing the automatic take-off of an aircraft.


nàozhōng zìdòng de shèdìng le qǐ chuáng shíjiān.

English translation of 闹钟自动地设定了起床时间。

The alarm clock automatically set the wake-up time.

The sentence illustrates how an alarm clock can automatically set the time to wake up based on a pre-programmed schedule.


kāfēijī zìdòng de mó dòuzi.

English translation of 咖啡机自动地磨豆子。

The coffee machine automatically grinds the beans.

The sentence is describing the automatic grinding function of a coffee machine.

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