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zī běn

English translation of 资本


In Mandarin Chinese, 'capital' is translated as '资本'. This word is used in similar contexts as it is in English and can relate to financial capital or a city that serves as the seat of government. The usage depends on the context of the sentence. Capital is an important concept in both economics and political science.

Example sentences using: 资本


Nǐ de zī běn yīng gāi yòng lái tóu zī.

English translation of 你的资本应该用来投资。

Your capital should be used for investment.

The sentence suggests the practical application of an individual's capital, referred to as '你的资本', in the area of investment.


Zī běn zhǔ yì shì dāng qián zuì zhǔ yào de jīng jì tǐ xì.

English translation of 资本主义是当前最主要的经济体系。

Capitalism is the current main economic system.

This sentence states the dominant role of capitalism (资本主义) in today's global economy.


Tā de zī běn yǐ jīng xiāo hào dài jìn.

English translation of 他的资本已经消耗殆尽。

His capital has been exhausted.

This sentence is stating that a person has depleted all of his or her resources, referred to by the term '他的资本'.


Zī běn jī lěi kě yǐ tí gāo tóu zī huí bào.

English translation of 资本积累可以提高投资回报。

Capital accumulation can increase investment returns.

This sentence points out the benefits, specifically in terms of improving returns on investment, of accumulating capital, referred to as '资本积累'.


Qǐ yè xū yào chōng zú de zī běn yùn zuò.

English translation of 企业需要充足的资本运作。

Enterprises need sufficient capital to operate.

This sentence discusses the necessity of adequate capital, referred to by the term '资本', for the operation of businesses or enterprises.


Zhèng fǔ yīng gāi duì zī běn liú dòng jìn xíng jiān guǎn.

English translation of 政府应该对资本流动进行监管。

The government should regulate the flow of capital.

The sentence suggests the role of a government in controlling and regulating the movement of capital, referred to as '资本流动'.


Tā men de zī běn zhǔ yì guān niàn shí fēn qiáng liè.

English translation of 他们的资本主义观念十分强烈。

Their capitalist ideas are very strong.

The sentence describes a group or individuals with a very strong belief in Capitalist ideas or principles, referred to as '资本主义观念'.


Zī běn de jī lěi duì jīng jì fā zhǎn zhì guān zhòng yào.

English translation of 资本的积累对经济发展至关重要。

The accumulation of capital is crucial to economic development.

This sentence illustrates how the growth or increase of capital (资本的积累) plays a crucial role in driving economic development.


Zī běn shōu yì shì tā de zhǔ yào shōu rù lái yuán.

English translation of 资本收益是他的主要收入来源。

Capital gains are his main source of income.

This sentence states that dividends or returns on an individual's capital, referred to as '资本收益', serve as his main source of income.


Zī běn shì chǎng shì jīng jì de zhòng yào zǔ chéng bù fèn.

English translation of 资本市场是经济的重要组成部分。

The capital market is an important part of the economy.

This sentence discusses the significance of the capital market, referred to by the term '资本市场', within the wider context of an economy.

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