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zhuī qiú

English translation of 追求


The Chinese word '追求' is used in similar context to its English counterpart 'pursue'. It can mean to strive to achieve or obtain something in the face of adversity, such as a life goal, a romantic interest or an academic discipline. It also includes the sense of continuous efforts.

Example sentences using: 追求


Tā zhuīqiú zìyóu.

English translation of 她追求自由。

She pursues freedom.

In this phrase, the female subject ('她') is pursuing ('追求') freedom.


Wǒ zhuīqiú de bùjǐn shì jīnqián.

English translation of 我追求的不仅是金钱。

What I pursue is not just money.

This phrase is expressing that the speaker's pursuit ('追求') goes beyond just money.


Nǐ zhuīqiú chénggōng le ma?

English translation of 你追求成功了吗?

Have you pursued success?

This phrase is a question asking if the person has sought after ('追求') success.


Tāmen zhuīqiú xìngfú shēnghuó.

English translation of 他们追求幸福生活。

They pursue a happy life.

In this phrase, the collective subject ('他们') is pursuing ('追求') a happy life.


Wǒmen zhuīqiú gōngpíng.

English translation of 我们追求公平。

We pursue fairness.

This phrase denotes a collective pursuit ('追求') of fairness ('公平').


Zhuīqiú zhīshì shì yī zhǒng měidé.

English translation of 追求知识是一种美德。

Pursuit of knowledge is a virtue.

This phrase is asserting that seeking ('追求') knowledge is seen as a virtue.


Zhuīqiú mèngxiǎng xūyào yǒngqì.

English translation of 追求梦想需要勇气。

Pursuing dreams requires courage.

This phrase explains that the pursuit ('追求') of dreams requires having courage.


Zhuīqiú měilì bǐ zhuīqiú wánměi gèng zhòngyào.

English translation of 追求美丽比追求完美更重要。

Pursuing beauty is more important than pursuing perfection.

This phrase puts beauty and perfection into comparison with '追求' (pursuit) to express an opinion.


Tā zǒng shì zhuīqiú zìwǒ jìnbù.

English translation of 他总是追求自我进步。

He always pursues self-improvement.

In this phrase, the subject ('他') continually seeks ('追求') to better himself - to self-improve.


Tā zhuīqiú de shì wánměi.

English translation of 他追求的是完美。

What he pursues is perfection.

In this example, the object of pursuit ('追求') is perfection ('完美').

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