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zhuā hén

English translation of 抓痕


In Chinese, 'scratch' is translated to '抓痕' (zhuā hén). It can be used in the same way as it is in English, usually referring to a mark or wound made by scratching. For example, you could say '我被猫抓痕了' which means 'I got scratched by a cat'. You can also use it metaphorically - to mean 'barely makes it by' similar to the English 'scratch the surface'.

Example sentences using: 抓痕


Nà zhī xiǎo māo de zhuǎ zi zài chuāng hù shàng liú xià le míng xiǎn de zhuā hén

English translation of 那只小猫的爪子在窗户上留下了明显的抓痕

The kitten's claws left obvious scratches on the window

In this sentence, '抓痕' refers to the scratches that the kitten's claws left on the window.


Tā zuó tiān xīng fèn de zhuā hén le zì jǐ de shǒu

English translation of 他昨天兴奋地抓痕了自己的手

He excitedly scratched his hand yesterday

In this context, '抓痕' is used to describe the act of him scratching his hand out of excitement.


Dì tǎn shàng de zhuā hén shì xiǎo māo liú xià de

English translation of 地毯上的抓痕是小猫留下的

The scratches on the carpet were left by the kitten

Here '抓痕' describes the imprints left by the kitten scratching the carpet.


Zhuā hén tòng dé tā wú fǎ rěn shòu

English translation of 抓痕痛得他无法忍受

The scratch hurts so much he couldn't bear it

'抓痕' here refers to a scratch that is causing him a lot of pain.


Zhuā hén mō qǐ lái gǎn jué fēi cháng cū cāo

English translation of 抓痕摸起来感觉非常粗糙

The scratches felt very rough to the touch

In this context, '抓痕' is used to describe the rough feeling of the scratches when touching them.


Shù pí shàng de zhuā hén qīng xī kě jiàn

English translation of 树皮上的抓痕清晰可见

Scratches on the bark are clearly visible

Here, '抓痕' refers to the very noticeable scratches on the bark of a tree.


Nà gè nán hái de bēi bāo shàng yǒu zhuā hén

English translation of 那个男孩的背包上有抓痕

There are scratches on the boy's backpack

In this sentence, '抓痕' is used to indicate the scratches present on the boy's backpack.


Zhuā hén héng qī shù bā , kàn shàng qù fēi cháng nán kàn

English translation of 抓痕横七竖八,看上去非常难看

The scratches are crisscrossed and look very ugly

Here, '抓痕' is used to describe the ugly appearance of crisscrossed scratches.


Wǒ kàn dào le qiáng shàng yǒu zhuā hén , kě néng shì gǒu gǒu zài xún zhǎo chū kǒu

English translation of 我看到了墙上有抓痕,可能是狗狗在寻找出口

I saw scratches on the wall, maybe the dog was looking for an exit

In this situation, '抓痕' indicates the traces left by the dog scratching the wall in an attempt to find an exit.


Tā de pí fū shàng yǒu duō chù zhuā hén

English translation of 他的皮肤上有多处抓痕

There were several scratches on his skin

In this instance, '抓痕' describes the marks or imprints left on his skin from scratching.

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