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English translation of 住房


The Chinese word '住房' refers to the activity of residing or living in a particular location. It can also mean a building or a place where people reside. It is often used in the context of issues related to human habitation such as housing shortage, housing affordability, etc.

Example sentences using: 住房


Wǒ zhèngzài zhǎo zhùfáng.

English translation of 我正在找住房。

I am looking for housing.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing that they are in the process of searching for a place to live.


Tā yǒu zìjǐ de zhùfáng.

English translation of 她有自己的住房。

She has her own housing.

This sentence states that a particular woman has housing of her own.


Zhège chéngshì de zhùfáng hěn ángguì.

English translation of 这个城市的住房很昂贵。

The speaker in this sentence is expressing the high cost of housing in a specific city.



Zhùfáng quēkǒu shì yīgè dà wèntí.

English translation of 住房缺口是一个大问题。

The housing gap is a big problem.

This is a statement referring to the issue of housing shortage being a significant problem.


Tāmen zhèngzài wèi zhùfáng zuò dǎsuàn.

English translation of 他们正在为住房做打算。

They are making plans for housing.

Here, the speaker is referring to a group of people who are in the process of planning for their housing needs.


Wǒ xūyào gèng dà de zhùfáng.

English translation of 我需要更大的住房。

I need bigger housing.

The speaker in this sentence is expressing a need for a larger place to live.


Zhèngfǔ wèi dī shōurù jiātíng tígōngle zhùfáng.

English translation of 政府为低收入家庭提供了住房。

The government provided housing for low-income families.

This sentence describes a situation where a government has offered housing solutions for families with low income.


Xúnzhǎo héshì de zhùfáng hěn kùnnán.

English translation of 寻找合适的住房很困难。

It is difficult to find suitable housing.

This statement expresses the difficulty one may experience when trying to find a suitable place to live.


Zhùfáng jiàgé zài shàngzhǎng.

English translation of 住房价格在上涨。

Housing prices are rising.

This sentence indicates that the cost of housing is currently on an upward trend.


Tāmen zhèngzài yánjiū xīn de zhùfáng zhèngcè.

English translation of 他们正在研究新的住房政策。

They are studying new housing policies.

The speaker in this sentence is referring to a group of people who are researching or reviewing new policies related to housing.

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