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zhòng duō

English translation of 众多


The Chinese word '众多' means 'numerous' in English. It is often used to describe a large quantity of something, especially when there are too many to be counted. It can be used in various context such as referring to people, matters, things, etc.

Example sentences using: 众多


Zhòngduō de yàngběn xūyào fēnxī.

English translation of 众多的样本需要分析。

Many samples need to be analyzed.

Here, '众多' highlights the large amount of samples that urgently need to be analyzed.


Zhòngduō de xuéshēng zài dàlóu qián jíhé.

English translation of 众多的学生在大楼前集合。

Many students gather in front of the building.

In this sentence, '众多' is used to express a large quantity. It is saying that there are many students in front of the building.


Zhòngduō de shìqíng xūyào chǔlǐ.

English translation of 众多的事情需要处理。

There are many things to deal with.

Here, '众多' is used to express a large amount of something, stating that there are many things that need to be tackled.


Zhòngduō de guānzhòng zài guānkàn bǐsài.

English translation of 众多的观众在观看比赛。

Many spectators are watching the match.

In this case, '众多' is used to highlight how many spectators there are, ogling at the match.


Zhòngduō de wèntí zài tǎolùn zhōng chūxiàn.

English translation of 众多的问题在讨论中出现。

Many questions arise during the discussion.

'众多' is used to express the presence of numerous questions during the conversation.


Zhòngduō de shūjí zài shūkù zhōng.

English translation of 众多的书籍在书库中。

There are many books in the library.

In this phrase, '众多' is describing the vast quantity of books available in the library.


Zhòngduō de xuǎnxiàng ràng wǒ yóuyù bùjué.

English translation of 众多的选项让我犹豫不决。

The numerous options make me indecisive.

The word '众多' here is used to portray the many choices which are causing indecisiveness.


Zhòngduō de rén zài páiduì děngdài.

English translation of 众多的人在排队等待。

Many people are waiting in line.

In this sentence, '众多' is used to express a large number of people waiting in line.


Zhòngduō de jīhuì zài yǎnqián.

English translation of 众多的机会在眼前。

There are many opportunities ahead.

'众多' here shows the variety and quantity of opportunities that lie in front.


Zhòngduō de yóukè zài yóulǎn jǐngqū.

English translation of 众多的游客在游览景区。

Many tourists are touring the scenic area.

In this phrase, '众多' is describing a large number of tourists present in the scenic area.

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