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English translation of 折


In Chinese, 'fold' is often used to refer to the act or process of bending something over onto itself. It could also refer to a bend in a layer or in a surface. It can be used in various contexts like folding a piece of paper, folding clothes or metaphorically to describe an increase or decrease in amount.

Example sentences using:


tā de jìhuà zhédié le

English translation of 他的计划折叠了

His plan has collapsed

This sentence uses the word '折' in the context of a failure in a plan or idea.


wǒmen zhé le yībǎi zhāng zhǐ

English translation of 我们折了一百张纸

We folded a hundred pieces of paper

In this case, '折' is used to represent the action of folding something, in this case, papers.


wǒ bùnéng jiēshòu zhèyàng de zhémó

English translation of 我不能接受这样的折磨

I can't bear such torture

'折磨' is a word in Chinese that conveys the meaning of being tortured or tormented.


huā kāi huā zhé

English translation of 花开花折

Flowers bloom and wither

It means that the flowers bloom and then wither, reflecting the natural cycle of life.


tā xǐhuān zhēteng

English translation of 她喜欢折腾

She likes to be fussy

'折腾' in Chinese means making a fuss or not being content with the status quo.


zhè shì zhéhé jiàgé

English translation of 这是折合价格

This is the equivalent price

The word '折合' means to convert or calculate something into a different form or unit.


tā sǐ yú zhémó

English translation of 他死于折磨

He died from torture

This sentence states that someone died due to torture, using '折磨' for 'torture'.


tā shàn yú zhéshe wèntí

English translation of 他善于折射问题

He is good at refracting problems

'折射' means refracting or reflecting, in this context, it means to re-interpret problems.


zhè shì chōngmǎn zhémó de yītiān

English translation of 这是充满折磨的一天

This was a day full of torture

The phrase '充满折磨的一天' means a day that is full of torment or troubles.


zhège wèntí zhèngzài zhēteng wǒ

English translation of 这个问题正在折腾我

This problem is bothering me

'折腾' means to toss about or mess around. In this context it is used to express the meaning of being bothered by something.

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