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zào yīn

English translation of 噪音


The Chinese word '噪音' is used to describe sounds that are loud, undesired, disruptive or unpleasant, similar to how we use 'noise' in the English language. It can refer to noise from any sources, such as traffic, loud music, or people talking loudly.

Example sentences using: 噪音


Zàoyīn huì yǐngxiǎng xuéxí.

English translation of 噪音会影响学习。

The noise can affect the study.

This phrase is used to express that noise can have a quantitative impact on one's concentration and learning.


Zàoyīn dǎduànle wǒ de sīkǎo.

English translation of 噪音打断了我的思考。

The noise interrupted my thinking.

This phrase expresses that the speaker's thought process was disrupted due to noise.


Fùjìn de gōngdì zàoyīn hěn dà.

English translation of 附近的工地噪音很大。

The noise from the nearby construction site is loud.



Wǒ wúfǎ rěnshòu zhège zàoyīn.

English translation of 我无法忍受这个噪音。

I can't stand this noise.

This phrase is used when someone is unable to tolerate the noise around them.


Zhège zàoyīn shǐ rén tóuténg.

English translation of 这个噪音使人头疼。

This noise is giving me a headache.

This phrase is used when the noise is causing physical discomfort, such as a headache.


Qǐng jiàngdī zàoyīn.

English translation of 请降低噪音。

Please lower the noise.

This is a polite way to ask someone to reduce the noise they are making.


Zàoyīn tài dà, wǒ méi bànfǎ jízhōng zhùyìlì.

English translation of 噪音太大,我没办法集中注意力。

The noise is so loud, I can't concentrate.

This phrase is used when the noise level is so high that it makes concentrating difficult.


Zhè zhǒng zàoyīn huì ràng wǒ fēng.

English translation of 这种噪音会让我疯。

This kind of noise will drive me crazy.

This phrase is a hyperbolic way of expressing that the speaker finds a particular noise extremely annoying or unbearable.


Wǒmen xūyào bìmiǎn zàoyīn wūrǎn.

English translation of 我们需要避免噪音污染。

We need to avoid noise pollution.

This phrase suggests that measures should be taken to prevent or reduce noise pollution.


Zàoyīn yánzhòng yǐngxiǎng le tā de jīngshén jiànkāng.

English translation of 噪音严重影响了他的精神健康。

The noise seriously affected his mental health.

This phrase illustrates that constant or loud noise can have a significant impact on a person's mental health.

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