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zāo shòu

English translation of 遭受


The Chinese word '遭受' is used to express the English term 'suffer'. This verb can be used in various contexts, referring to going through a hard or painful experience. For example, it can be used to describe suffering a loss, a defeat, an illness, or physical or psychological pain. It can also be used in more abstract senses.

Example sentences using: 遭受


Tā zāo shòu le jù dà de dǎ jī.

English translation of 他遭受了巨大的打击。

He suffered a great blow.

The phrase describes a situation where an individual endures a serious setback. In this instance, the subject of the sentence 'He' experiences a massive blow, which can be both physical and psychological.


Tā zāo shòu le hěn cháng shí jiān de nüè dài.

English translation of 她遭受了很长时间的虐待。

She suffered a long period of abuse.

This sentence refers to a the sustained abuse that 'She' had to endure over a lengthy span of time. It implies that the subject has experienced severe maltreatment.


Tā de shēng yì zāo shòu le zhòng dà sǔn shī.

English translation of 他的生意遭受了重大损失。

His business suffered heavy losses.

This phrase refers to a significant financial loss endured by a business, owned by the subject 'He'. Such economic downturn usually impacts the business survivability and prosperity.


Tā men zāo shòu le jù dà de xiū rǔ.

English translation of 他们遭受了巨大的羞辱。

They suffered a great humiliation.

This phrase indicates an extreme sense of embarrassment faced by the subject 'They'. It captures those situations/images where individuals are subjected to indignity or disrespect publicly or privately.


Zāo shòu hóng shuǐ de jiā xiāng biàn de háo wú shēng jī.

English translation of 遭受洪水的家乡变得毫无生机。

The hometown affected by the flood has become lifeless.

This sentence describes a scenario where the flooding causes severe destruction leaving the hometown bereft of vitality. It refers to the negative consequences of natural disasters.


Hái zi men zāo shòu le yán zhòng de yíng yǎng bù liáng.

English translation of 孩子们遭受了严重的营养不良。

The children suffered from severe malnutrition.

This sentence refers to the circumstances where children endure a lack of proper nutrients resulting in their poor health condition. It's a commentary on child health and nutrition levels.


Zāo shòu jí bìng de zhē mó, tā de shēn tǐ rì jiàn shuāi ruò.

English translation of 遭受疾病的折磨,他的身体日渐衰弱。

Tormented by disease, his body became weaker day by day.

This sentence is about an individual 'He', agonizing from disease that gradually weakens his body. Here, the physical impact and wear caused by an illness is highlighted.


Zāo shòu píng lùn de gōng jī, tā xuǎn zé le chén mò.

English translation of 遭受评论的攻击,他选择了沉默。

Attacked by criticism, he chose to remain silent.

This phrase depicts a person 'He' who, upon facing a barrage of criticism, chooses to maintain silence. It essentially highlights the subject's response to criticism.


Zāo shòu dì zhèn de yǐng xiǎng, fáng wū bèi yán zhòng pò huài.

English translation of 遭受地震的影响,房屋被严重破坏。

Affected by the earthquake, the house was severely damaged.

The phrase describes how a natural disaster's impact (an earthquake in this case) has severely damaged a house. It suggests that the house in question may be unfit for shelter or living.


Zāo shòu gǔ shì bēng pán de yǐng xiǎng, xǔ duō rén dōu pò chǎn le.

English translation of 遭受股市崩盘的影响,许多人都破产了。

Affected by the stock market crash, many people went bankrupt.

This sentence points to the financial devastation caused by the stock market crash leading numerous individuals to declare bankruptcy. It illustrates the economic instability which makes people lose their wealth.

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