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zàn měi shī

English translation of 赞美诗


赞美诗 is used in Chinese similarly to how 'hymns' is used in English, to refer to religious songs or anthems, particularly prevalent in Christian practice. The phrase can also be applied broadly to any song of praise or celebration.

Example sentences using: 赞美诗


tā yòng zànměishī lái biǎodá duì shàngdì de chóngjìng.

English translation of 她用赞美诗来表达对上帝的崇敬。

She expresses her reverence for God with hymns.

In this example, the '赞美诗' is used by a person to express her reverence for God.


chuàngzuò zànměishī shì tā de tècháng.

English translation of 创作赞美诗是他的特长。

Composing hymns is his specialty.

In this sentence, '赞美诗' refers to hymns that the person excels in composing or creating.


dàjiā yìqǐ chàng qǐle zànměishī.

English translation of 大家一起唱起了赞美诗。

Everyone started singing hymns together.

'赞美诗' in this context refers to hymns that a group of people are singing together.


tā de shēngyīn zài zànměishī zhōng xiǎngqǐ.

English translation of 他的声音在赞美诗中响起。

His voice rang out in the hymn.

In this case, '赞美诗' is a hymn in which a person's voice is heard ringing out.


zànměishī yōuyōu zài kōngqì zhōng liúdòng.

English translation of 赞美诗悠悠在空气中流动。

The hymn is slowly flowing in the air.

Here, '赞美诗' is a hymn that is described as slowly flowing or circulating in the air.


zànměishī gěi tā dài láile ānwèi.

English translation of 赞美诗给他带来了安慰。

The hymn brought him comfort.

In this sentence, a '赞美诗' or hymn is something that provides comfort to a person.


tā de zànměishī chōngmǎnle gǎn'ēn de xīnqíng.

English translation of 他的赞美诗充满了感恩的心情。

His hymn is full of gratitude.

This sentence uses '赞美诗' to describe a hymn composed by a person that is filled with feelings of gratitude.


zànměishī ràng rénmen gǎnshòu dào shàngdì de ài.

English translation of 赞美诗让人们感受到上帝的爱。

The hymn lets people feel God's love.

In this example, a '赞美诗' or hymn is something that allows people to feel God's love.


zànměishī de xuánlǜ zài jiàotáng lǐ huídàng.

English translation of 赞美诗的旋律在教堂里回荡。

The melody of the hymn echoes in the church.

This sentence uses the word '赞美诗' to describe a scene in a church where the melody of a hymn is echoing.


tā bèi xuǎn wéi zànměishī héchàng tuán de lǐngchàng.

English translation of 她被选为赞美诗合唱团的领唱。

She was chosen to be the lead singer of the hymn choir.

The term '赞美诗' here refers to a type of song sung by a choir that the person has been chosen to lead.

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