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yuàn zi

English translation of 院子


The Chinese word '院子' is translated as 'yard' in English. It is commonly used to refer to an open area that’s next to a building or a house usually filled with grass or plants. It is often used in the context of people having conversations in their yard, doing yard work or children playing in the yard.

Example sentences using: 院子


Wǒ zài yuànzi lǐ zhǒng le yī kē shù.

English translation of 我在院子里种了一颗树。

I planted a tree in the yard.

A speaker is mentioning a tree being planted in their yard, perhaps indicating that they have a love for gardening and nature.


Tā zài yuànzi lǐ zuò yújiā.

English translation of 她在院子里做瑜伽。

She is doing yoga in the yard.

This phrase refers to a woman who is making use of the space in her yard to do some physical activity, in this case, yoga.


Yuànzi lǐ de huā kāi le.

English translation of 院子里的花开了。

The flowers in the yard have bloomed.

This points out the blossoming of flowers in a yard, indicating the arrival of spring or the result of someone's gardening efforts.


Hái zi men zài yuànzi lǐ wánshuǎ.

English translation of 孩子们在院子里玩耍。

The kids are playing in the yard.



Wǒmen de yuànzi gòu dà kěyǐ jǔbàn pàiduì.

English translation of 我们的院子够大可以举办派对。

Our yard is big enough to host a party.

This phrase highlights the large size of a yard, which is adequate for hosting a social gathering like a party.


Yuànzi lǐ yǎng le yī zhī gǒu.

English translation of 院子里养了一只狗。

There's a dog kept in the yard.

Someone has a dog that's usually kept outdoors in the yard, maybe for its preference or for safety purposes.


Wǒ xiǎng zài yuànzi lǐ dā yī zuò liángtíng.

English translation of 我想在院子里搭一座凉亭。

I want to erect a gazebo in the yard.

Someone is expressing their wish to enhance their yard by adding a gazebo, suggesting their aesthetic sense or desire for a relaxing outdoor space.


Yuànzi lǐ de cǎopíng xūyào xiūjiǎn.

English translation of 院子里的草坪需要修剪。

The lawn in the yard needs trimming.

The lawn in someone's yard is due for maintenance and requires trimming, showing the regular care and upkeep needed for a well-kept yard.


Yuànzi hěn ānjìng, zhǐyǒu fēng de shēngyīn.

English translation of 院子很安静,只有风的声音。

The yard is quiet, with only the sound of the wind.

This phrase conveys an atmosphere of peace and solitude in a yard, with the soft sounds of the wind being the only noise, suggesting a serene and quiet environment.


Yuànzi liǎng biān dōu zhǒng le guǒshù.

English translation of 院子两边都种了果树。

There are fruit trees planted on both sides of the yard.

This is about a yard which has been ornamented with fruit trees on both its sides, likely indicating the owner's appreciation for greenery or wish for fresh produce.

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