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yuán běn

English translation of 原本


The Chinese word '原本' is used to indicate something that exists from the beginning or in the initial stage. In general, it can be used similarly to 'originally' in English, emphasizing the initial condition or situation. It's also commonly used to discuss the original version or form of something.

Example sentences using: 原本


yuánběn wǒ bùxiǎng lái de

English translation of 原本我不想来的。

Originally, I did not want to come.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing the idea that they initally did not have the intention or desire to come.


zhè běn shū yuánběn shǔyú wǒ

English translation of 这本书原本属于我。

This book originally belonged to me.

This sentence indicates that the book had been in the speaker's possession before a change occurred.


wǒmen yuánběn dǎsuàn qù yóuyǒng

English translation of 我们原本打算去游泳。

We originally planned to go swimming.

Here the speaker is indicating that going swimming was their initial plan.


yuánběn tā huì lái jiē wǒ

English translation of 原本他会来接我。

He was initially supposed to come pick me up.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing that the original arrangement was for the person to pick them up.


nǐ yuánběn shì zuò shénme de

English translation of 你原本是做什么的?

What did you originally do (for a job)?

This sentence shows someone asking what the person's original job or occupation was.


zhèlǐ yuánběn shì cǎodì

English translation of 这里原本是草地。

This place was originally a grassland.

The speaker is stating that the area used to be a grassland originally.


tā yuánběn bù yuànyì bāngmáng

English translation of 他原本不愿意帮忙。

He was originally unwilling to help.

In this sentence, the speaker indicates that the person did not want to help at first.


yuánběn wǒ yǐwéi nǐ bù huì lái

English translation of 原本我以为你不会来。

Originally, I thought you would not come.

This sentence means that the speaker initially assumed the person would not come.


qíngkuàng yuánběn hǎozhuǎn, dàn xiànzài yòu èhuà le

English translation of 情况原本好转,但现在又恶化了。

The situation was improving, but it has worsened now.

The speaker here is stating that the situation was originally getting better but has become worse now.


wǒmen yuánběn huì yíng de

English translation of 我们原本会赢的。

We would have won originally.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing that they would have won under the original circumstances or intent.

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