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English translation of 预约


In Chinese, '预约' means to reserve something. It may be utilized to reserve a table at a restaurant, a hotel room, or a ticket for a show, among other things. It's a frequently used word in various settings and is important to learn for practical conversations.

Example sentences using: 预约


Wǒ xūyào yùyuē yīgè huìyì

English translation of 我需要预约一个会议

I need to make an appointment for a meeting

This sentence expresses the need or necessity to set up a meeting. In Chinese, 需要 (need) and 一个会议 (a meeting) surround 预约 (make an appointment) to form this sentence.


Yùyuē wǒ míngtiān de fēijī piào

English translation of 预约我明天的飞机票

Book my flight ticket for tomorrow

This sentence is a command to book a flight ticket. It can be used when the speaker requires someone else to take this action for them.


Nǐ kěyǐ yùyuē yīshēng kànzhěn ma

English translation of 你可以预约医生看诊吗

Can you make a doctor's appointment?

This sentence is asking if the listener can make an appointment with a doctor. In Chinese, this kind of question form is common to solicit the help of others.


Zhège yìngyòng chéngxù kěyǐ yùyuē chūzū chē

English translation of 这个应用程序可以预约出租车

This app can book a taxi

This sentence states the function of an application to book a taxi. The verb or action, 预约 (book), is used to define what the application can do.


Yùyuē tā de zīxún fúwù hěn róngyì

English translation of 预约他的咨询服务很容易

It's easy to book his consulting service

This sentence is describing the ease of booking someone's consulting service. In Chinese, the adverb 容易 (easy) is used after the verb 预约 (book) to denote simplicity.


Wǒ qù yùyuē měiróng fúwù

English translation of 我去预约美容服务

I'm going to book a beauty service

This sentence is expressing the speaker's intent to book a beauty service. The verb phrase 去预约 (going to book) is used to indicate future action.


Wǒ huì zài yùyuē shíjiān jìnlái

English translation of 我会在预约时间进来

I will come in at the appointment time

This sentence is promising to come at a scheduled time. In Chinese, this kind of structure is often used to express intent or certainty about future actions.


Nǐ yùyuē le duōjiǔ

English translation of 你预约了多久

How long have you booked for

This sentence is asking about the duration of the booking. It's a common question to inquire about the length of an appointment.


Qǐng yùyuē wǒ shí'èr diǎn de Lunch

English translation of 请预约我十二点的Lunch

Please book my lunch at twelve o'clock

This sentence is a polite request for someone else to make a lunch appointment for the speaker. The verb 请 (please) is used to make polite requests.


Yùyuē hěn zhòngyào, bùnéng chídào

English translation of 预约很重要,不能迟到

Appointments are very important, you can't be late

This sentence is emphasizing the importance of appointments and the necessity to be on time. It's a common statement made in situations where punctuality is crucial.

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