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yú lè

English translation of 娱乐


The Chinese word for entertainment is '娱乐'. This word is used in various contexts just like in English, referring to any activity which provides amusement or enjoyment. It could range from listening to music, watching movies, playing games, or any hobbies that makes one's free time enjoyable.

Example sentences using: 娱乐


yúlè huódòng hěn fēngfù duōcǎi

English translation of 娱乐活动很丰富多彩。

The entertainment activities are very rich and colorful.

This sentence is describing the diversity and abundance of entertainment activities.n


yúlè bàozhǐ shàng de xīnwén tōngcháng hěn hǎoxiào

English translation of 娱乐报纸上的新闻通常很好笑。

The news in the entertainment newspaper is usually funny.

This sentence refers to the funny or amusing stories found in entertainment news section, typically featuring celebrities or public figures.n


wǒ xǐhuān yúlè jiémù

English translation of 我喜欢娱乐节目。

I like entertainment programs.

This sentence expresses the speaker's preference for entertainment programs, such as Television series or game shows.n


yúlè hángyè jīngcháng biànhuà wúcháng

English translation of 娱乐行业经常变化无常。

The entertainment industry often changes unpredictably.

This sentence is describing the volatility and unpredictability of the entertainment industry.n

yúlè shèshī wánshàn de chéngshì hěn shòu huānyíng

English translation of 娱乐设施完善的城市很受欢迎。

A city with complete entertainment facilities is very popular.

This sentence is stating that a city equipped with modern and comprehensive entertainment facilities tends to attract more people.n


yúlè xīnwén shì wǒ guānzhù de zhòngdiǎn

English translation of 娱乐新闻是我关注的重点。

Entertainment news is my focus.

This sentence emphasizes the speaker's interest and focus on keeping up with the latest news in the entertainment industry.n


yúlè quān de jìngzhēng fēicháng jīliè

English translation of 娱乐圈的竞争非常激烈。

The competition in the entertainment circle is very fierce.

This sentence is highlighting the intense competition found within the entertainment industry, especially for performers and artists.n


yúlè shì shēnghuó zhōng bù kě shǎo de yī bùfèn

English translation of 娱乐是生活中不可少的一部分。

Entertainment is an indispensable part of life.

This sentence emphasizes the role of entertainment in our lives and how important it is for our daily lives.n


wǒ jìhuà hé péngyǒu qù kàn yīcháng yúlè yǎnchū

English translation of 我计划和朋友去看一场娱乐演出。

I plan to go watch an entertainment show with friends.

This sentence is about the speaker's plans to attend an entertainment show (like a movie, concert, or play) with their friends.n


wǒ men qù yú lè chǎng suǒ wán ba

English translation of 我们去娱乐场所玩吧。

Let's go to the entertainment place to play.

This sentence is inviting the listener to go out for entertainment purposes, which maybe a recreational center, a playground, a nightclub, etc.n

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