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English translation of 雨

to rain

In Chinese, '雨' stands for 'rain'. It can be used in various contexts such as in expressing the weather i.e. '今天下雨' which translates to 'It's raining today'. Additionally, it can also be used in idioms or phrases to imply different metaphoric meanings.

Example sentences using:


Yǔ hòu chūn sǔn bān mào chū lái.

English translation of 雨后春笋般冒出来。

They sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

This phrase compares the rapid appearance or emergence of things or people to the growth of bamboo shoots after rain, indicating a rapid increase or growth.


Yǔ xià de hěn dà.

English translation of 雨下得很大。

The rain is coming down hard.

The phrase used here indicates a heavy rainfall or a downpour.


Wǒ wàngjì dài yǔsǎn le.

English translation of 我忘记带雨伞了。

I forgot to bring my umbrella.

This phrase is used when someone forgets their umbrella, usually implying that it is raining or going to rain.


Yǔ tiān lù huá, qǐng xiǎoxīn jiàshǐ.

English translation of 雨天路滑,请小心驾驶。

The roads are slippery in the rain, please drive carefully.

This phrase is often used as a cautionary reminder to drive safely during rainfall due to potentially slippery roads.


Cǎoyuán shàng yǔ hòu de qīngxīn.

English translation of 草原上雨后的清新。

The freshness of the prairie after the rain.

This phrase describes the rejuvenating and refreshing atmosphere on the grasslands after rainfall.


Yǔ diǎn dǎ zài chuānghù shàng.

English translation of 雨点打在窗户上。

Raindrops are hitting the window.

The phrase describes the scene of raindrops falling onto a window, often accompanied by the sound of rain hitting the glass.


Tīng dào le yǔ de shēngyīn.

English translation of 听到了雨的声音。

I can hear the sound of the rain.

This phrase is often used when people hear the sound of rainfall, creating a sense of tranquility or peace.


Zhè chǎng yǔ xià de zhēn jíshí.

English translation of 这场雨下得真及时。

This rain has come at the right time.

This phrase is often used in agricultural contexts where rain is very important for crop growth; the 'right time' implying beneficial to the crops or fields.


Yǔ dǎ hú miàn pósuō qǐwǔ.

English translation of 雨打湖面婆娑起舞。

The rain dances on the lake.

This is a poetic way of saying that the raindrops are creating ripples or 'dancing' on the surface of a lake.


Yǔ guò tiān qíng, rén jiān rú xǐ.

English translation of 雨过天晴,人間如洗。

After the rain, the sky is clear and the world is as clean as washed.

This phrase describes the refreshing and bright scenery after a rain, uses the metaphor of the cleaned and renewed world with a clear sky.

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