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English translation of 鱼


Fish is a commonly cooked food in China, enjoyed in various forms like steamed, fried or in soup.

Example sentences using:


bàba xǐhuan diàoyú.

English translation of 爸爸喜欢钓鱼。

Dad likes fishing.

This sentence demonstrates the usage of '鱼' in a hobby context. Here, '鱼' is used as a part of the word '钓鱼', meaning 'fishing'.


jiějie bù chī yú.

English translation of 姐姐不吃鱼。

My older sister doesn't eat fish.

This sentence shows the common usage of '鱼' which means 'fish'. Here, we learn how to indicate preference in food by using the negative form '不'.


wǒ jiā yǒu yī zhī māo, tā xǐhuan chī yú.

English translation of 我家有一只猫,它喜欢吃鱼。

We have a cat at home, it likes to eat fish.

Here, '鱼' demonstrates the dietary habits of a pet. It helps explain that even pets could have preferences on what they eat.


wǒ de dìdi pà yú.

English translation of 我的弟弟怕鱼。

My younger brother is afraid of fish.

In this sentence, '鱼' is used to signify a fear or phobia. It highlights an individual's unique fears or dislikes.


māma zài chúfáng zuò yú.

English translation of 妈妈在厨房做鱼。

Mom is cooking fish in the kitchen.

Here, '鱼' refers to a dish being prepared, telling us about common family activities.


jīntiān wǎnfàn wǒmen chī yú.

English translation of 今天晚饭我们吃鱼。

We're eating fish for dinner tonight.

This sentence talks about a meal plan for the family, using '鱼' to indicate the main dish of the meal.


wǒ qù hǎibiān kàn yú.

English translation of 我去海边看鱼。

I went to the seaside to see fish.

In this sentence, '鱼' refers to the animal fish in nature. It can be used to express activities in various settings.


gēgē yǎng le yītiáo jīnyú.

English translation of 哥哥养了一条金鱼。

My older brother has a pet goldfish.

This sentence uses '鱼' to talk about owning pets, in this case, a goldfish, expanding the word's usage to an animal companion.


yútāng shì wǒmen jiā de chuántǒng shíwù.

English translation of 鱼汤是我们家的传统食物。

Fish soup is our family's traditional food.

In this usage, '鱼' alludes to a particular dish - fish soup. It shows how specific dishes can play a significant role in family traditions and cultures.


yéye gěi wǒ jiǎng le yīgè guānyú yú de gùshi.

English translation of 爷爷给我讲了一个关于鱼的故事。

Grandpa told me a story about fish.

Here, '关于鱼的故事' refers to a story about fish, demonstrating how the word '鱼' can be expanded into different contexts.

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