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yǒng qì

English translation of 勇气


In Chinese, '勇气' (yǒngqì) is used to express the concept of 'courage' or 'bravery'. It refers to the mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship. It is often used in contexts where one has to face tough situations, make difficult decisions, or overcome fear.

Example sentences using: 勇气


wǒ xūyào yǒngqì qù miàn duì kùnnán.

English translation of 我需要勇气去面对困难。

I need courage to face difficulties.

This sentence means that facing difficulties requires courage. It could often be used in a motivational context.


yǐ yǒngqì huànqǔ zìyóu.

English translation of 以勇气换取自由。

Exchange courage for freedom.

This sentence means that freedom is obtained by showing courage. It is often used to express fighting for one's rights.


tā de yǒngqì zhídé zànyáng.

English translation of 他的勇气值得赞扬。

His courage is commendable.

This sentence praises someone's courage. It is used whenever someone does something brave.


nǐ yǒu yǒngqì shuō chū zhēnxiàng ma?

English translation of 你有勇气说出真相吗?

Do you have the courage to speak the truth?

This sentence is mostly used in context of asking someone if they have the bravery to admit something truthful, even if that thing is unpleasant.


tā de yǒngqì ràng wǒ gǎndòng.

English translation of 她的勇气让我感动。

Her courage moves me.

This sentence describes the speaker's emotional reaction to someone's courage. It often refers to admiring someone for their bravery.


yǒu yǒngqì qù mào xīn de xiǎn.

English translation of 有勇气去冒新的险。

Have the courage to take new risks.

This sentence encourages the listener to be brave and dare to take on new challenges or risks.


wǒmen yǒngqì shízú dì yìngzhàn.

English translation of 我们勇气十足地应战。

We fight with full courage.

This sentence is used when describing someone or a group of people being very brave to face a fight or competition.


búyào huáiyí nǐ zìjǐ de yǒngqì.

English translation of 不要怀疑你自己的勇气。

Don't doubt your own courage.

This sentence encourages the listener not to doubt their own bravery, often used when someone is lacking self-confidence.


zhè shì yīcì kǎoyàn wǒmen yǒngqì de shíhòu.

English translation of 这是一次考验我们勇气的时候。

This is a time to test our courage.

This sentence suggests that the current moment or situation is a test of bravery or courage.


nǐ xūyào gèngduō yǒngqì qù dāndāng.

English translation of 你需要更多勇气去担当。

You need more courage to take responsibility.

This sentence means that taking responsibility requires more courage. It is often used in a context of holding someone accountable.

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