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yíng dì

English translation of 营地


In Chinese, '营地' is used to describe a place set up with tents or other temporary structures where people stay for a short period of time, typically when they are on a holiday or when they are travelling. Just like in English, it can refer to both the act of camping and the physical campsite itself.

Example sentences using: 营地


wǒ men zài liáo kuò de yíng dì shàng zhā yíng.

English translation of 我们在辽阔的营地上扎营。

We set up camp on the vast campsite.

This sentence describes the act of setting up camp on a sizable camping ground.


yíng dì shè shī hěn wán zhěng.

English translation of 营地设施很完整。

The campsite facilities are comprehensive.

The sentence refers to the campsite having a complete and comprehensive set of facilities.


yíng dì páng biān jiù shì yì tiáo qīng chè de xiǎo xī.

English translation of 营地旁边就是一条清澈的小溪。

Next to the campsite is a clear stream.

This sentence describes the immediate environment of a campsite, specifically mentioning a clear stream beside the site.


yíng dì de yè wǎn fēi cháng ān jìng.

English translation of 营地的夜晚非常安静。

The nights at the campsite are very quiet.

This sentence emphasizes the peaceful serenity experienced during the night time at a campsite.


wǒ men zài huǒ zāi zhī hòu cái fā xiàn le zhè gè yíng dì.

English translation of 我们在火灾之后才发现了这个营地。

We discovered the campsite after the fire.

This sentence indicates that a campsite was discovered subsequent to a fire incident.


yíng dì de rì chū měi jǐng lìng rén nán wàng.

English translation of 营地的日出美景令人难忘。

The sunrise scene at the campsite is unforgettable.

Describing a memorable sunrise view at a campsite.


wǒ men zài yíng dì kǎo qǐ le mián huā táng.

English translation of 我们在营地烤起了棉花糖。

We roasted marshmallows at the campsite.

This sentence describes a camping activity—roasting marshmallows at the campsite.


yíng dì de ān quán wú rén yuán kān shǒu.

English translation of 营地的安全无人员看守。

The safety of the campsite is unmanned.

This sentence talks about a campsite that does not have security personnel present.


yíng dì de wèi zhi lí hú biān hěn jìn.

English translation of 营地的位置离湖边很近。

The location of the campsite is close to the lake.

This sentence points out the close proximity of a campsite to a lake.


zhè shì yī chù lǐ xiǎng de yíng dì qū yù.

English translation of 这是一处理想的营地区域。

This is an ideal campsite area.

The phrase refers to a particular area that is considered ideal for setting up a campsite.

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