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English translation of 赢


The Chinese word for 'win' is '赢' (yíng). It is commonly used to express victory or success over something or someone in various circumstances, scenarios, and contexts such as sports, games, competitions, arguments, etc. Much like its English equivalent, '赢' can be used as a verb and it is often found in colloquial conversations, written texts, and instructional contexts.

Example sentences using:


tā yíng le bǐ sài

English translation of 他赢了比赛

He won the match

This sentence is used to indicate someone's victory in a competitive event or match.


wǒ yíng le nǐ

English translation of 我赢了你

I beat you

This sentence is used when someone wins in a competition against another person.


nǐ yíng le yóu xì

English translation of 你赢了游戏

You won the game

This sentence is used to indicate someone's victory in a game.


wǒ zuó tiān yíng le hěn duō qián

English translation of 我昨天赢了很多钱

I won a lot of money yesterday

This sentence is generally used when someone unexpectedly gains a large sum of money, for example in a lottery or bet.


tā men zài yíng dé bǐ sài zhōng gǎn dào fēi cháng gāo xìng

English translation of 他们在赢得比赛中感到非常高兴

They are very happy to win the game

This sentence expresses that people are very happy after winning a game, suggesting that the victory is significant and meaningful to them.


tā yíng le suǒ yǒu de jiǎng pǐn

English translation of 他赢了所有的奖品

He won all the prizes

In general, this sentence is used to express that someone has won all the prizes in a competition, meaning that they were highly successful.


rú guǒ nǐ yíng le,wǒ huì wèi nǐ gǎn dào gāo xìng

English translation of 如果你赢了,我会为你感到高兴

If you win, I will be happy for you

This sentence is usually used in a situation where someone expresses joy or satisfaction for another person's success or victory.


wǒ men de duì wǔ yíng le

English translation of 我们的队伍赢了

Our team won

This sentence indicates that the speaker and their team have achieved victory in a competition or match.


tā shì tú yíng dé bǐ sài dàn shī bài le

English translation of 他试图赢得比赛但失败了

He tried to win the match but failed

The sentence expresses that despite someone's efforts to achieve victory, they ultimately did not succeed.


tā men yíng dé le dà jiǎng

English translation of 他们赢得了大奖

They won the grand prize

This sentence is used when a person or group achieves victory and obtains a significant reward.

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