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yǐ shàng

English translation of 以上


The Chinese word '以上' is used to indicate something which is 'above' or 'more than'. It is less commonly used to refer to physical location than the English 'above', and is often used in formal or mathematical contexts.

Example sentences using: 以上


yǐxià zīliào dōu shì wǒ cóng nǐ de bàogào yǐshàng qǔdé de

English translation of 以下資料都是我從你的報告以上取得的

The data below is all obtained from your report

In this sentence, '以上' is used to indicate the information or data sourced from your report.


nǐ xūyào yǒu shí nián yǐshàng de jīngyàn

English translation of 你需要有十年以上的經驗

You need to have over ten years of experience

Here, '以上' indicates a minimum necessary qualification of ten years, meaning more than ten years.


yǐshàng jiùshì wǒ jīntiān yào jiǎng de suǒyǒu nèiróng

English translation of 以上就是我今天要講的所有內容

The above is all the content I'm going to talk about today

In this instance, '以上' refers to all the material or content mentioned prior to this statement.


yǐshàng rényuán, qǐng jíhé zài ménkǒu

English translation of 以上人員,請集合在門口

The above personnel, please gather at the entrance

'以上' refers to a specific group of people mentioned before this sentence, possibly in a list or a roll call.


xīwàng yǐshàng xìnxī néng duì nǐ yǒu suǒ bāngzhù

English translation of 希望以上信息能對你有所幫助

I hope that the above information can be helpful to you

In this sentence, '以上' refers to all the information given prior to making this statement.


zài yǐshàng shíjiān nèi, wǒmen bìxū wánchéng zhège rènwù

English translation of 在以上時間內,我們必須完成這個任務

Within the above time, we must complete this task

Here, '以上' refers to a specified time period mentioned before this sentence.


nǐ néng zài yǐshàng de rìqī dàodá ma?

English translation of 你能在以上的日期到達嗎?

Can you arrive on the above date?

In this question, '以上' refers to a date that has been mentioned earlier in the conversation.


wǔshí yuán yǐshàng de zhǐbì cáinéng zhǎohuàn

English translation of 五十元以上的紙幣才能找換

Only banknotes over fifty can be exchanged

'以上' here indicates a minimum limit at which banknotes can be exchanged, this being bills over fifty.


yǐshàng de shìqíng nǐ dōu míngbái le ma?

English translation of 以上的事情你都明白了嗎

Do you understand all of the things mentioned above?

'以上' is used to refer to all the things previously mentioned or explained.


yǐshàng fèiyòng yóu xuéxiào zhīfù

English translation of 以上費用由學校支付

The fees above are paid by the school

In this context, '以上' refers to the fees mentioned earlier, which are covered by the school.

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