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yī páng

English translation of 一旁


The Chinese word '一旁' translates to 'aside' in English. This word is generally used the same way as in English - to indicate that something is to the side or NOT the main focus. For example, you could put your bag '一旁' or to the side. The word can be used in both formal and informal contexts and it doesn't have any particular connotations that learners need to be aware of.

Example sentences using: 一旁


qǐng zài yī páng děngdài

English translation of 请在一旁等待。

Please wait aside.

In this sentence, '一旁' is used to point out where someone should be waiting.


wǒ bǎ xínglǐ fàng zài yī páng

English translation of 我把行李放在一旁。

I put my luggage aside.

Here, the phrase '一旁' indicates the location where the speaker (I) placed his/her luggage.


wǒmen zuò zài huǒlú de yī páng qǔnuǎn

English translation of 我们坐在火炉的一旁取暖。

We warmed ourselves by the stove.

This phrase uses '一旁' to describe where 'we' were sitting in relation to the stove.


xiǎo gǒu yī páng kàn zhe wǒ chī

English translation of 小狗一旁看着我吃。

The puppy was watching me eat from the side.

In this example, '一旁' is where the puppy was while watching the speaker (me) eat.


tā qīngqīng de zhàn zài yī páng méiyǒu rènhé dòngjìng

English translation of 他轻轻的站在一旁没有任何动静。

He stood quietly aside without making any movement.

In this sentence, '一旁' is used to specify where 'he' was standing quietly.


qǐng bǎ chē tíng zài lù de yī páng

English translation of 请把车停在路的一旁。

Please park the car on the side of the road.

Here, '一旁' is specifying where the car should be parked.


tā de shū fàng zài yǐzǐ de yī páng

English translation of 他的书放在椅子的一旁。

His book is placed beside the chair.

In this phrase, '一旁' describes where 'his' book was placed in relation to the chair.


tā zhàn zài wǒ yī páng

English translation of 他站在我一旁。

He stood beside me.

In this example, the phrase '一旁' represents next to or beside the speaker (me).


kànjiàn tā yī páng de nǚhái le ma

English translation of 看见他一旁的女孩了吗?

Did you see the girl next to him?

Here, '一旁' is used to describe where the girl is located in relation to 'him'.


tā zuò zài zuòwèi yī páng de zǒuláng shàng

English translation of 他坐在座位一旁的走廊上。

He sat in the corridor next to the seat.

In this phrase, '一旁' represents where 'he' was sitting in relation to the seat.

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