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yǐ hūn

English translation of 已婚


The Chinese word '已婚' refers to someone who is already legally bound in a marriage relationship. It can be used in various contexts such as stating one's marital status or to refer to someone who is married.

Example sentences using: 已婚


Tā yǐ hūn, yǒu liǎng gè háizi.

English translation of 他已婚,有两个孩子。

He is married and has two children.

This sentence states that the subject, in this case 'he', is married and has two children.


Qǐngwèn nǐ yǐ hūn ma?

English translation of 请问你已婚吗?

Are you married?

This sentence is asking the recipient of the question whether they are married or not.


Wǒ yǐ hūn, bùnéng hé nǐ yuēhuì.

English translation of 我已婚,不能和你约会。

I am married, I can't date you.

This sentence states that the person speaking is unable to date the listener because they are married.


Yǐhūn de rén yǒu zérèn gǎn.

English translation of 已婚的人有责任感。

Married people have a sense of responsibility.

This sentence implies that people who are married possess a sense of responsibility.


Tā yǐ hūn le, dànshì hái méiyǒu háizi.

English translation of 她已婚了,但是还没有孩子。

She is married, but she doesn't have children.

This sentence states that the subject 'she' is married but doesn't have any children yet.


Tā yǐ hūn, dànshi tā bù kāixīn.

English translation of 他已婚,但是他不开心。

He is married, but he is not happy.

This sentence states that the subject, 'he', is married, but it also denotes that he isn't happy.


Wǒ péngyou yǐ hūn, tāmen zài rìběn zhù.

English translation of 我朋友已婚,他们在日本住。

My friend is married, they live in Japan.

In this sentence, it denotes that the speaker's friend is married and currently residing in Japan.


Yǐ hūn nánxìng xūyào làngmàn.

English translation of 已婚男性需要浪漫。

Married men need romance.

This sentence states the idea that men who are married inherently need romance in their lives.


Tāmen dōu shì yǐ hūn rénshì.

English translation of 他们都是已婚人士。

They are all married people.

This sentence states that all individuals in the referred group are married.

Suīrán yǐ hūn, tā háishi hěn shòu nǚxìng huānyíng.

English translation of 虽然已婚,他还是很受女性欢迎。

Although he is married, he is still very popular among women.

This sentence indicates that despite being married, the man is highly favored by women.

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