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yáo bǎi

English translation of 摇摆


In Chinese, '摇摆' is used much like 'swing' in English. It can refer to the action of moving back and forth, such as a pendulum or a swing at a playground. It can also represent the action of making a big change, like the swing of public mood.

Example sentences using: 摇摆


tā de xīn yīzhí zài yáobǎi.

English translation of 他的心一直在摇摆。

His heart has been swaying.

This sentence metaphorically expresses one's indecision or wavering feelings, with '摇摆' referring to the swinging or swaying motion.


shùzhī zài fēng zhōng yáobǎi.

English translation of 树枝在风中摇摆。

The branches sway in the wind.

This sentence describes a physical state of an object (the tree branches) swaying or swinging under the influence of external forces (the wind), using the word '摇摆'.


yáobǎi bù dìng de zhúguāng.

English translation of 摇摆不定的烛光。

The flickering candlelight.

The '摇摆' here describes the shaking or flickering of the candlelight, metaphorically suggesting unsteadiness or changeability.


tā de qíngxù xiàng qiūqiān yīyàng yáobǎi.

English translation of 他的情绪像秋千一样摇摆。

His mood swings like a seesaw.

This sentence is a simile, using '摇摆' to metaphorically describe the rise and fall, or fluctuation of someone's emotions, comparing it to the movement of a seesaw.


yáobǎi de wǔbù ràng rén táozuì.

English translation of 摇摆的舞步让人陶醉。

The swaying dance steps are intoxicating.

In this context, '摇摆' describes the rhythmical, swaying movement of dance steps, suggesting a sense of charm or allure.


yáobǎi de dēngguāng zhào zài tā de liǎn shàng.

English translation of 摇摆的灯光照在他的脸上。

The swaying light shone on his face.

The '摇摆' word in this sentence is used to depict the flickering or oscillation of the light.


hǎilàng yáobǎi zhe chuánzhī.

English translation of 海浪摇摆着船只。

The sea waves are rocking the boats.

The sentence describes a scene where the sea waves are causing the boats to swing, move or sway, using the word '摇摆'.


fēng shǐ huāduǒ yáobǎi.

English translation of 风使花朵摇摆。

The wind makes the flowers sway.

The sentence describes how the wind causes the flowers to sway or swing, applying '摇摆' to express the action caused by the wind.


tā yáobǎi zhe shēntǐ tiàowǔ.

English translation of 他摇摆着身体跳舞。

He swayed his body as he danced.

The sentence uses '摇摆' to describe the action of someone swaying their body while dancing, capturing the movement's rhythm and flow.


yáobǎi de yīnyuè ràng wǒ xiǎngqǐ le jiāxiāng.

English translation of 摇摆的音乐让我想起了家乡。

The swinging music reminds me of my hometown.

The '摇摆' word applied here signifies music with a strong rhythmic 'swing' or 'sway', triggering a feeling of nostalgia or reminiscence for the speaker.

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