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yán zhòng

English translation of 严重


The Chinese word '严重' is used to describe severity or seriousness of something. It can be used in various contexts such as weather conditions, health conditions, or general situations. It is often used to emphasize the critical nature of the described subject.

Example sentences using: 严重


zhè ge wèn tí yán zhòng yǐng xiǎng wǒ gōng zuò

English translation of 这个问题严重影响我工作

This problem seriously affects my work

The speaker is expressing that a problem is having a severe impact on their ability to do their job.


wǒ men xū yào yán zhòng kǎo lǜ zhè ge wèn tí

English translation of 我们需要严重考虑这个问题

We need to seriously consider this issue

The speaker is suggesting that the issue at hand requires deep and serious consideration.


yán zhòng de wū rǎn duì huán jìng yǐng xiǎng hěn dà

English translation of 严重的污染对环境影响很大

Severe pollution has a great impact on the environment

The speaker is making a statement about the significant effect that serious pollution has on the environment.


zhè zhǒng bìng yán zhòng yǐng xiǎng rén lèi jiàn kāng

English translation of 这种病严重影响人类健康

This disease seriously affects human health

The speaker is pointing out the grave impact that a certain disease has on human health.


cǐ shì yán zhòng wéi fǎn le guī dìng

English translation of 此事严重违反了规定

This matter seriously violates the regulation

The speaker is stating that a particular act severely breaches existing rules or guidelines.


fàn zhè yàng de cuò wù huì yán zhòng yǐng xiǎng nǐ de wèi lái

English translation of 犯这样的错误会严重影响你的未来

Making such a mistake will seriously affect your future

The speaker is warning that committing a certain error can have severe impacts on one's future.


tā yīn wèi yán zhòng de cuò wù bèi jiě gù

English translation of 他因为严重的错误被解雇

He was fired due to a serious mistake

The speaker is stating that someone lost their job as a result of making a serious mistake.


yán zhòng de jiāo tōng dǔ sè yǐng xiǎng le wǒ qù yī yuàn

English translation of 严重的交通堵塞影响了我去医院

Severe traffic jam affected my trip to the hospital

The speaker is stating a severe traffic jam impacted their ability to reach the hospital.


yán zhòng de gān hàn yǐng xiǎng le nóng zuò wù de chǎn liàng

English translation of 严重的干旱影响了农作物的产量

Severe drought has affected the production of crops

The speaker is stating a severe drought condition has affected crop production.


zhè cì fēng bào duì wǒ men yǒu yán zhòng yǐng xiǎng

English translation of 这次风暴对我们有严重影响

This storm has had a serious impact on us

The speaker is indicating that a storm has had severe effects on them.

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