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yǎn lèi

English translation of 眼泪


The Chinese word '眼泪' is used to denote a tear in English. It is often used in the context of expressing emotions such as sadness, joy, or overwhelming feelings that lead to the production of tears.

Example sentences using: 眼泪


Tā de yǎnlèi dī zài xìn shàng.

English translation of 他的眼泪滴在信上。

His tears dropped onto the letter.

The speaker's tears fall on a letter, showing a strong emotion related to the letter content.


Wǒ wúfǎ tíngzhǐ liúlèi.

English translation of 我无法停止流泪。

I can't stop crying.

This sentence is expressing the speaker's outburst of tears that they can't hold back.


Zhè chǎng diànyǐng ràng wǒ liú xià le yǎnlèi.

English translation of 这场电影让我流下了眼泪。

This movie made me cry.

Here, the speaker shows that what they watched in the movie was very touching and made them cry.


Zhè zhī gē zhī suǒyǐ gǎnrén, shì yīnwèi tā chōng mǎnle yǎnlèi.

English translation of 这支歌之所以感人,是因为它充满了眼泪。

The reason this song touches is that it is full of tears.

Here, the speaker explains how the tearful emotions embedded in the song create a moving effect.


Tā yǐ yǎnlèi qiú tā bùyào líkāi.

English translation of 她以眼泪求他不要离开。

She pleaded him with tears not to leave.

The woman in this scene is making a tearful plea to a man not to leave, demonstrating her strong feelings for him.


Tā de xiàoróng bèihòu shì yǎnlèi.

English translation of 他的笑容背后是眼泪。

Behind his smile is tears.

This sentence is deeply expressive of a situation where one hides their sorrow with a smile.


Wǒ shìtú qiáng rěn yǎnlèi, dàn háishì kū le chūlái.

English translation of 我试图强忍眼泪,但还是哭了出来。

I tried to hold back the tears, but I still cried.

In this sentence, the speaker indicates that the effort to control their tears didn’t work out and they ended up crying.


Tā de gēshēng chōng mǎnle yǎnlèi.

English translation of 她的歌声充满了眼泪。

Her singing is full of tears.



Tā rěn zhù yǎnlèi shuō zàijiàn.

English translation of 她忍住眼泪说再见。

She said goodbye holding back tears.

This sentence depicts a woman struggling to resist her tears while saying goodbye, showing it's a hard farewell for her.


Mǔqīn de yǎnlèi shì zuì zhēnguì de.

English translation of 母亲的眼泪是最珍贵的。

Mother's tears are the most precious.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses the belief that their mother's tears are extremely valuable and should be cherished.

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