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yān huā

English translation of 烟花


The Chinese word '烟花' is used to refer to fireworks. It is commonly used during celebrations or festivals in China, especially during Lunar New Year to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year.

Example sentences using: 烟花


Yānhuā zài yèkōng zhōng zhànfàng

English translation of 烟花在夜空中绽放

Fireworks are blooming in the night sky

This sentence is expressing the beautiful scene where fireworks are set off at night, lighting up the dark sky with various colors.


Nàlǐ jiāng huì yǒu yānhuā biǎoyǎn

English translation of 那里将会有烟花表演

There will be a fireworks display there

The speaker indicates that a firework show will take place in a certain location in the future.


Yānhuā gěi wǒmen de jiérì zēngtiānle xǐqìng

English translation of 烟花给我们的节日增添了喜庆

Fireworks add festive joy to our holiday

This sentence highlights the role of fireworks in enhancing the festive mood of a celebration or holiday.


Tāmen zài xīnshǎng yānhuā

English translation of 他们在欣赏烟花

They are appreciating the fireworks

The sentence is about a group of people enjoying or admiring a firework show.


Wǒ cóng bù cuòguò rènhé yīchǎng yānhuā

English translation of 我从不错过任何一场烟花

I never miss any fireworks

This implies that the speaker loves fireworks to the extent of never missing an opportunity to see them.


Qǐng bǎochí ānquán, bùyào suíyì ránfàng yānhuā

English translation of 请保持安全,不要随意燃放烟花

Please stay safe, don't set off fireworks at will

This sentence advises against the haphazard lighting of fireworks, indicating a concern for safety.


Zhè yānhuā hǎoxiàng huāduǒ yīyàng

English translation of 这烟花好像花朵一样

This firework looks like a flower

The sentence describes a firework that has a shape or appearance similar to a flower when it bursts in the sky.


Tā zài pāishè yānhuā zhàopiàn

English translation of 她在拍摄烟花照片

She is taking pictures of fireworks

The sentence indicates a person, specifically a woman, who is in the process of photographing a firework display.


Wǒ xǐhuān yānhuā de yánsè

English translation of 我喜欢烟花的颜色

I like the color of the fireworks

The speaker here shows his/her preference for the various colors that fireworks produce when they are set off.


Xīnnián de yānhuā rúcǐ měilì

English translation of 新年的烟花如此美丽

New Year's fireworks are so beautiful

The speaker here admires the beauty of the fireworks that are usually displayed during New Year celebrations.

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