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xuě rén

English translation of 雪人


In Chinese, the word 'snowman' is '雪人', pronounced as 'xuě rén'. It has the same usage like in English, referring to an anthropomorphic snow sculpture, often built by children in regions with sufficient snowfall.

Example sentences using: 雪人


Wǒ de xuěrén hěn dà.

English translation of 我的雪人很大。

My snowman is very big.

This sentence is expressing the size of one's snowman, using the adjective 'big' to describe it.


Nǐ kàndào nàgè xuěrénle ma?

English translation of 你看到那个雪人了吗?

Did you see that snowman?

This sentence is asking if the respondent saw a particular snowman.


Xiǎo mínɡ zài zuò xuě rén.

English translation of 小明在做雪人。

Xiao Ming is making a snowman.

This sentence is stating that a person named Xiao Ming is currently in the process of making a snowman.


Xuě rén rónɡ huà le.

English translation of 雪人融化了。

The snowman has melted.

This sentence is stating that the snowman has undergone the process of melting.


Wǒ xǐ huān xuě rén.

English translation of 我喜欢雪人。

I like snowmen.

This sentence is expressing personal preference for snowmen.


Tā de xuě rén shì huáng sè de.

English translation of 她的雪人是黄色的。

Her snowman is yellow.

This sentence is describing the color of someone else's snowman as being yellow.


Xuě rén dài zhě mào zi.

English translation of 雪人戴着帽子。

The snowman is wearing a hat.

This sentence is indicating that the snowman has a hat on it.


Wǒ men zuò de xuě rén hěn hǎo kàn.

English translation of 我们做的雪人很好看。

The snowman we made is pretty.

This sentence is expressing a collective opinion about the aesthetic of the snowman that was built by the speaker and others.


Xuě rén de yǎn jīng shì shí tou.

English translation of 雪人的眼睛是石头。

The snowman's eyes are stones.

This sentence is describing the material used to create the eyes of the snowman, in this case, stones.


Xuě rén zhàn zài hù wài.

English translation of 雪人站在户外。

The snowman is standing outdoors.

This sentence is indicating the location of the snowman as being outdoors.

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