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xuě qiāo

English translation of 雪橇


雪橇 (snow sled or sleigh) is used in Chinese to refer to the vehicle that is typically drawn by horses or reindeer, especially in snowy conditions. It is often used in contexts relating to winter sports or travel, or to refer to the traditional depiction of Santa Claus's vehicle.

Example sentences using: 雪橇


Wǒ de xuě qiāo zài zhège shānpō shàng huá dé hěn kuài.

English translation of 我的雪橇在这个山坡上滑得很快。

My sled slides very fast on this slope.

This phrase indicates that the speaker's sled is very fast when sliding down this particular slope. The action of the sled (雪橇) sliding is the focus here.


Xuě qiāo bǐ xuě chē gèng shìhé zài bīng xuě zhōng qiánjìn.

English translation of 雪橇比雪车更适合在冰雪中前进。

Sleds are more suitable for moving through ice and snow than snowmobiles.

This phrase expresses the speaker's belief that a sled (雪橇) can perform better in snow and ice conditions when compared to a snowmobile.


Zhè kuǎn xuě qiāo bèi shèjìchéng kě zhé dié de, fāngbiàn xiédài.

English translation of 这款雪橇被设计成可折叠的,方便携带。

This sled is designed to be foldable for easy carrying.

This phrase describes that the sled (雪橇) has been designed in a way so as to be folded to facilitate portability.


Xuě qiāo shàng de xiàngjiāo bǎshǒu tígōng liánghǎo de wògǎn.

English translation of 雪橇上的橡胶把手提供良好的握感。

The rubber handles on the sled provide a good grip.

The phrase implies that the sled (雪橇) features rubber handles which offer a good grip to the one who is using it.


Tā zài shèngdàn jié dāngtiān mǎi le yí liàng xīn xuě qiāo.

English translation of 他在圣诞节当天买了一辆新雪橇。

He bought a new sled on Christmas Day.

In this phrase, the speaker indicates that a new sled (雪橇) was purchased by someone else on Christmas Day.

Bīng xuě tiānqì shǐ dé xuě qiāo yùndòng bèi shòu huānyíng.

English translation of 冰雪天气使得雪橇运动备受欢迎。

Sledding activities become popular during snowy weather.

This phrase points out that when there is snowy weather, sled (雪橇) activities are well received and become popular.


Xuě qiāo quǎn de lìliàng zúyǐ lādòng xuě qiāo.

English translation of 雪橇犬的力量足以拉动雪橇。

The sled dogs have enough strength to pull the sled.

The speaker in this phrase communicates that sled dogs have the necessary strength to pull a sled (雪橇).


Xuě qiāo shì huáxuě de yī zhǒng cìjī fāngshì.

English translation of 雪橇是滑雪的一种刺激方式。

Sledding is an exciting way to ski.

Here, the phrase suggests that using a sled (雪橇) to ski can bring a thrilling experience.


Wǒmen kěyǐ zài xuě qiāo bǐsài zhōng jìngzhēng.

English translation of 我们可以在雪橇比赛中竞争。

We can compete in a sledding race.

In this phrase, it is implied that the speaker and others can participate and compete in a race involving sleds (雪橇).


Xuě qiāo duìyú mǒu xiē jí dì tànxiǎn zhě lái shuō shì bì bù kě shǎo de.

English translation of 雪橇对于某些极地探险者来说是必不可少的。

Sleds are essential for some polar explorers.

This phrase indicates that for those who are exploring the Polar Regions, a sled (雪橇) is a crucial tool.

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