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English translation of 雪花


The Chinese word '雪花' is used to denote 'snowflakes', particularly to depict the delicate and unique formations of ice crystals that fall from the sky during winter. It is used in the same context as it is in English, and is commonly found in literature and poetry to symbolify purity and tranquility.

Example sentences using: 雪花


xuě huā piāo luò zài chuāng wài

English translation of 雪花飘落在窗外。

Snowflakes are falling outside the window.

This sentence is describing a tranquil scene where the speaker is observing snowflakes falling outside the window.


tā de tóu fǎ bái dé xiàng xuě huā

English translation of 他的头发白得像雪花。

His hair is as white as snowflakes.

This statement is a figurative way of saying that a person's hair is white, implying that it is either due to aging or natural pigmentation.


xuě huā fù gài le zhěng gè jiē dào

English translation of 雪花覆盖了整个街道。

Snowflakes covered the entire street.

The speaker notices that the whole street is covered with snow, hence implying that it has snowed a lot.


xuě huā zài yuè guāng xià shǎn shuò

English translation of 雪花在月光下闪烁。

Snowflakes shimmer under the moonlight.

This phrase is expressing the charming scene of snowflakes glistening or shimmering under the light of the moon.


xuě huā xiàng xiāng bīn yī yàng zài bēi zǐ lǐ xuán zhuǎn

English translation of 雪花像香槟一样在杯子里旋转。

Snowflakes swirl in the glass like champagne.

This statement uses an analogy to explain that snowflakes are swirling in a way similar to champagne in a glass, creating a beautiful image.


xuě huā luò zài tā de tóu fǎ shàng

English translation of 雪花落在她的头发上。

Snowflakes fell on her hair.

This is a descriptive sentence where the speaker describes snowflakes falling on someone's hair.


hái zǐ men cháng shì zhe bǔ zhuō xuě huā

English translation of 孩子们尝试着捕捉雪花。

Children are trying to catch snowflakes.

This sentence describes children playing in the snow, trying to catch falling snowflakes.


xuě huā zài yè kōng zhōng piāo luò

English translation of 雪花在夜空中飘落。

Snowflakes are falling in the night sky.

The speaker is describing a peaceful nighttime scene where snowflakes are gently traveling down from the night sky.


xuě huā zài tā de yī fú shàng róng huà le

English translation of 雪花在他的衣服上融化了。

The snowflakes on his clothes melted.

This sentence discusses how the snowflakes that landed on someone's clothes have melted, illustrating the warmth of the clothes or the warmth of the indoor environment.


xuě huā zài shān dǐng shàng xiǎn de tè bié měi lì

English translation of 雪花在山顶上显得特别美丽。

Snowflakes look particularly beautiful on the mountaintop.

This sentence illustrates that the sight of snowflakes on a mountaintop appears especially scenic.

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