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xìn yòng

English translation of 信用


The term '信用' in Chinese is similar to how 'credit' is used in English. It could refer to the confidence in a party's ability and commitment to fulfill their financial obligations, typically regarding loans, installment plans, or other financial agreements. It's often used in banks, retail businesses, and financial organizations. Additionally, it might also refer to a person's reputation or trustworthiness.

Example sentences using: 信用


Tā de xìnyòng pòchǎnle.

English translation of 他的信用破产了。

His credit went bankrupt.

This sentence refers to a situation where someone's credit status has declined to the point where they cannot repay their debts, often related to financial issues.


Xìnyòngkǎ qiànfèi huì yǐngxiǎng nín de xìnyòng.

English translation of 信用卡欠费会影响您的信用。

Credit card arrears will affect your credit.

This sentence hints at the negative impact of overdue credit card fees on one's credit status, which can influence future financial transactions.


Wǒmen xūyào jiǎnchá nǐ de xìnyòng jìlù.

English translation of 我们需要检查你的信用记录。

We need to check your credit record.

This sentence describes a situation where a person's credit history is being examined, typically in a financial context such as applying for a loan.


Zhīfùbǎo shì Zhōngguó zuìdà de xìnyòng zhīfù píngtái.

English translation of 支付宝是中国最大的信用支付平台。

Alipay is China's largest credit payment platform.

The sentence introduces Alipay, a popular credit payment platform in China, emphasizing its large user base and significant role in the financial market.


Wǒ yǐjīng jiànlìle liánghǎo de xìnyòng.

English translation of 我已经建立了良好的信用。

I have established good credit.

This statement refers to the individual's achievement in developing a positive credit history, which can facilitate financial transactions such as obtaining loans or credit cards.


Gāo xìnyòng fēnshù kěyǐ bāng nǐn huòdé gèng dī de dàikuǎn lìlǜ.

English translation of 高信用分数可以帮您获得更低的贷款利率。

A high credit score can help you get lower loan interest rates.

The phrase highlights the benefits of having a high credit score such as obtaining loans with lower interest rates, making borrowing money more affordable.


Xìnyòng píngjí yǐngxiǎng tóuzī juédìng.

English translation of 信用评级影响投资决定。

Credit ratings affect investment decisions.

The sentence explains that credit ratings can influence investment decisions, reflecting the relevance of credit assessments in financial and economic activities.


Nǐ de xìnyòng shì zěnyàng de?

English translation of 你的信用是怎样的?

What is your credit like?

This question inquires about a person's credit status, often in a financial context, to understand their ability to repay their debts.


Wǒ jiāng nǔlì tígāo wǒ de xìnyòng děngjí.

English translation of 我将努力提高我的信用等级。

I will strive to improve my credit rating.

This phrase represents a determination to enhance the personal credit rating, which can influence financial opportunities such as obtaining loans or credit cards.


Xìnyòng fēnshù shì héngliáng yīgèrén zhàiwù chánghuán nénglì de yī zhǒng fāngshì.

English translation of 信用分数是衡量一个人债务偿还能力的一种方式。

Credit score is a way of measuring a person's ability to repay debt.

This phrase explains the concept of a credit score, which is an assessment used by financial institutions to gauge a person's ability to repay borrowed money.

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