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xiāo jí

English translation of 消极


In Chinese, '消极' is used to describe a pessimistic or gloomy attitude towards a certain situation. It is used in similar contexts as the English word 'negative'. For example, it's used to describe someone's negative outlook, poor work performance, or reluctance to participate. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences using: 消极


nǐ bù néng zǒng shì zhè me xiāo jí

English translation of 你不能总是这么消极。

You shouldn't be so negative all the time.

Here, '消极' is used to describe a person's constantly negative attitude or mindset.


xiāo jí de rén shēng tài dù huì yǐng xiǎng nǐ de jiàn kāng

English translation of 消极的人生态度会影响你的健康。

A negative attitude to life can affect your health.

In this example, '消极' is used to describe an unhealthy psychological state that can influence physical health.


tā duì shēng huó chōng mǎn le xiāo jí qíng xù

English translation of 他对生活充满了消极情绪.

He is full of negative emotions about life.

'消极' in this context represents a sense of despair or negative emotions about life.


xiāo jí de tài dù wú fǎ jiě jué wèn tí

English translation of 消极的态度无法解决问题.

Problems cannot be solved with a negative attitude.

This sentence uses '消极' to denote a negative attitude which is not helpful in problem-solving.


tā yīn wèi gōng zuò yā lì ér biàn dé xiāo jí

English translation of 她因为工作压力而变得消极

She has become negative because of work stress.

In this sentence, '消极' is used to describe a person's discouraged or passive state caused by stress.


xiāo jí bào yuàn wú jì yú shì

English translation of 消极抱怨无济于事.

Negative complaints are of no help.

In this sentence, '消极' modifies '抱怨' indicating that passive or negative complaints are not constructive or efficient.


nǐ de xiāo jí tài duì huì yǐng xiǎng tuán duì de biǎo xiàn

English translation of 你的消极态度会影响团队的表现.

Your negative attitude could affect the team's performance.

'消极' is used here to indicate that a negative or passive attitude can have a negative impact on a group's performance.


nǐ xū yào bǎi tuō xiāo jí de sī wéi dìng shì

English translation of 你需要摆脱消极的思维定式.

You need to break free from the negative mindset.

In this example, '消极' is used to describe a detrimental mindset that limits a person's growth or potential.


xiāo jí de rén cháng cháng kàn bú dào chéng gōng de xī wàng

English translation of 消极的人常常看不到成功的希望.

Negative people often cannot see the hope of success.

In this sentence, '消极' is used to describe people who are often pessimistic or see things in a negative light.


tā zǒng shì xiāo jí duì dài suǒ yǒu de shì qíng

English translation of 他总是消极对待所有的事情.

He always takes a negative attitude towards everything.

In this sentence, '消极' means negative or passive, indicating a person's mentality or attitude towards things.

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