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xián yí rén

English translation of 嫌疑人


The Chinese word for 'suspect' is '嫌疑人'. This term is often used in legal and crime-related contexts to refer to someone who is suspected of committing a crime. Similar to English, it can be used as a noun to describe a person under suspicion, or as a verb, to express doubt or mistrust.

Example sentences using: 嫌疑人


jingcha ba ta dangzuo xianyiren

English translation of 警察把他当做嫌疑人。

The police regarded him as a suspect.

In this sentence, '警察' means 'police', '他' means 'him', and '嫌疑人' means 'suspect'. The whole sentence shows that the police considered this person to be a suspect in a case.


zhe ge xianyiren bei zhengming shi wugu de

English translation of 这个嫌疑人被证明是无辜的。

The suspect has been proven innocent.

This sentence shows that someone who was earlier considered a suspect ('嫌疑人') has been found to be not guilty ('无辜的').


xianyiren yijing taopao

English translation of 嫌疑人已经逃跑。

The suspect has already escaped.

'嫌疑人' is 'suspect', and '已经逃跑' equals 'has already escaped'. The sentence conveys the message of a suspect fleeing.


xianyiren furen le suoyou de zhikong

English translation of 嫌疑人否认了所有的指控。

The suspect denied all the charges.

'嫌疑人否认了所有的指控' means 'The suspect denied all the charges', where '嫌疑人' is 'suspect', '否认' means 'denied', and '所有的指控' means 'all the charges'.


tamen yi xianyiren beibu

English translation of 他们以嫌疑人被捕。

They were arrested as suspects.

In this phrase, '他们' stands for 'they', '以嫌疑人' means 'as suspects', and '被捕' means 'were arrested'. The whole sentence describes a situation where a group of people is arrested on suspicion


wo shi yi ge wugu de xianyiren

English translation of 我是一个无辜的嫌疑人。

I am an innocent suspect.

'我是一个无辜的嫌疑人' translates to 'I am an innocent suspect', where '我' stands for 'I', '是' means 'am', '一个' means 'a', '无辜的' means 'innocent', and '嫌疑人' is 'suspect'. The speaker is claiming their innocence.


xianyiren yijing bei jingfang juliú

English translation of 嫌疑人已经被警方拘留。

The suspect has been detained by the police.

This sentence expresses that someone under suspicion ('嫌疑人') has been detained ('已经被警方拘留') by law enforcement.


jingfang que xin ta shi xianyiren

English translation of 警方确信他是嫌疑人。

The police are sure that he is the suspect.

'警方确信他是嫌疑人' means 'The police are sure that he is the suspect'. '警方' is 'the police', '确信' means 'are sure that', '他' means 'he', and '是' means 'is' while '嫌疑人' is 'the suspect'. Overall, it's about law enforcements conviction over the identity of the suspect.


zhe ming xianyiren meiyou lvshi

English translation of 这名嫌疑人没有律师。

This suspect does not have a lawyer.

In this sentence, '这名嫌疑人' refers to 'this suspect', and '没有律师' means 'does not have a lawyer'. The whole sentence refers to a scenario where a suspect is without legal representation.


xianyiren zai shenxun zhong baochi chenmo

English translation of 嫌疑人在审讯中保持沉默。

The suspect remained silent during the interrogation.

In this sentence, '嫌疑人' is 'suspect', '在审讯中保持沉默' means 'remained silent during the interrogation'. it implies that during the process of official questioning, the suspect didn't provide any information.

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