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xī zhuāng

English translation of 西装


The Chinese word for 'suit' is '西装'. It is used the same way as in English, to refer to a set of men's or women's clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt, made from the same material. The word '西装' can be used in various contexts where formal attire is being discussed.

Example sentences using: 西装


wǒ xūyào yī jiàn xīn de xīzhuāng.

English translation of 我需要一件新的西装。

I need a new suit.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses the need for a new suit. '西装' is used to denote 'suit' in Chinese.


tā de xīzhuāng hěn piàoliang.

English translation of 他的西装很漂亮。

His suit is very beautiful.

This is a simple sentence commenting on the appearance of someone's suit. The speaker likely admires or appreciates the suit.


xīzhuāng zài nǎlǐ?

English translation of 西装在哪里?

Where is the suit?

The speaker is asking the whereabouts of a suit. '在哪里' translates to 'where is' in English.


xīzhuāng shì hēisè de.

English translation of 西装是黑色的。

The suit is black.

The sentence simply describes the color of a suit.


wǒ xǐhuan zhè tào xīzhuāng.

English translation of 我喜欢这套西装。

I like this suit.

The speaker expresses his/her liking for a particular suit.


xīzhuāng tài dàle.

English translation of 西装太大了。

The suit is too big.

The sentence affirms that the size of the suit is larger than expected or required.


zhè shì wǒ de xīzhuāng.

English translation of 这是我的西装。

This is my suit.

The phrase could be used to show ownership over a suit.


nàgè xīzhuāng hěn guì.

English translation of 那个西装很贵。

That suit is very expensive.

In the sentence, the speaker comments on the high price of a suit.


tā zhèngzài shì chuān xīzhuāng.

English translation of 他正在试穿西装。

He is trying on the suit.

The speaker indicates that someone is in the process of trying on a suit.


wǒ yào qù mǎi xīzhuāng.

English translation of 我要去买西装。

I am going to buy a suit.

In the sentence, the speaker expresses an intention to purchase a suit.

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