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xī yǐn

English translation of 吸引


The Chinese word '吸引' is used to express attracting someone or something. It is commonly used in various scenarios, from describing attractiveness of people or objects, to gravitational attraction, to describing someone or something that is appealing or attention-grabbing.

Example sentences using: 吸引


Zhè bù diànyǐng xīyǐnle dàliàng de guānzhòng.

English translation of 这部电影吸引了大量的观众。

This movie attracted a large audience.

This sentence indicates that the movie has been successful in drawing a massive audience.


Tā de yǎnjiǎng xīyǐn le wǒ de zhùyìlì.

English translation of 他的演讲吸引了我的注意力。

His speech attracted my attention.

In this case, the speaker's speech was engaging enough to draw the listener's focus.


Wǒ bèi zhè fú huà xīyǐn le.

English translation of 我被这幅画吸引了。

I was attracted by this painting.

The sentence refers to the speaker being drawn or intrigued by a certain painting.


Xīyǐn lì shì wùlǐ de jīběn lì zhī yī.

English translation of 吸引力是物理的基本力之一。

Attraction is one of the fundamental forces of physics.

This sentence is talking about the concept of attraction as a fundamental element in the field of physics.


Xīyǐn tóuzī shì wǒmen de zhǔyào mùbiāo.

English translation of 吸引投资是我们的主要目标。

Attracting investment is our main goal.

This sentence implies that the speaker's main objective is to draw or gather investments, likely in a business context.


Wǒ xīwàng kěyǐ tōngguò wǒ de cáihuá xīyǐn tā.

English translation of 我希望可以通过我的才华吸引她。

I hope to attract her with my talent.

In this expression, the speaker wishes to attract a certain person through showcasing his/her talents.


Nà jiā cāntīng xīyǐnle xǔduō shíkè.

English translation of 那家餐厅吸引了许多食客。

That restaurant attracted many diners.

This sentence suggests that the restaurant in question has gained a significant amount of customers or diners.


Tā de xiàoróng xīyǐn le wǒ.

English translation of 他的笑容吸引了我。

His smile attracted me.

In this phrase, the speaker was charmed or drawn by the smile of a particular person.


Tā de xīn fāmíng xīyǐn le dàjiā de guānzhù.

English translation of 他的新发明吸引了大家的关注。

His new invention attracted everyone's attention.

This sentence indicates that the person's new invention was significantly notable and interesting to attract everyone's interest.


Měilì de jǐngsè xīyǐn le wǒ tíng xiàlái.

English translation of 美丽的景色吸引了我停下来。

The beautiful scenery attracted me to stop.

This sentence illustrates that the speaker was captivated by a beautiful landscape or sight, prompting them to stop.

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