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xī gài

English translation of 膝盖


The Chinese word '膝盖' is used to refer to the joint in the middle of a person's leg where it bends, the same way 'knee' is used in English. It is a common word and can be used in various contexts, such as describing bodily movements, injuries, or different body parts.

Example sentences using: 膝盖


Wǒ guì zài dì shàng, gǎndào xīgài téngtòng.

English translation of 我跪在地上,感到膝盖疼痛。

I kneeled on the ground, feeling pain in my knee.

This sentence describes an action where the speaker kneeled down and felt a painful sensation in their knee.


tā de xī gài shòu shāng le, bù néng pǎo bù.

English translation of 他的膝盖受伤了,不能跑步。

His knee was injured, he can't run.

This sentence suggests a situation where due to an injury on the knee, the person could not run.


xī gài shàng de yì diǎn shāng hén dōu méi yǒu.

English translation of 膝盖上的一点伤痕都没有。

There is not a single scar on the knee.

The sentence describes a situation where there are no scars or injury marks on the knee.


tā de xī gài qū qū le.

English translation of 他的膝盖屈曲了。

His knee bent.

This sentence is simply describing a physical action where a person bends their knee.


wǒ de xī gài shòu dào yán zhòng dǎ jī.

English translation of 我的膝盖受到严重打击。

My knee took a heavy blow.

This sentence describes a situation where the speaker’s knee was heavily hit or suffered a severe impact.


nǐ de xī gài hǎo le ma?

English translation of 你的膝盖好了吗?

Is your knee okay now?

This sentence is asking about the recovery status of someone's injured knee.


wǒ xī gài zài zhuàng jī zhōng shòu shāng.

English translation of 我膝盖在撞击中受伤。

My knee got injured during the collision.

The sentence refers to a situation where the speaker's knee was injured due to a collision or an impact.


bù néng ràng xīgài zhíjiē jiēchù dào dìmiàn.

English translation of 不能让膝盖直接接触到地面。

The knee should not directly touch the ground.

The sentence gives an instruction or suggestion that one should avoid letting their knees touch the ground directly.


wǒ de xīgài gǎnjué hěn jǐn.

English translation of 我的膝盖感觉很紧。

My knee feels very tight.

This phrase describes a physical sensation of tightness in the speaker's knee.


tā de xīgài yǒuxiē suāntòng.

English translation of 他的膝盖有些酸痛。

His knee is a bit sore.

This sentence describes a situation where the person is experiencing some soreness in the knee.

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