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xī fāng

English translation of 西方


The Chinese word '西方' translates to 'western' in English. In China, it is typically used to describe things, cultures, or people from the Western part of the world typically associated with Europe and America. For instance, it's used in contrast with '东方' (Eastern), to differentiate between the two broad culture systems.

Example sentences using: 西方


Tā de yīchú lǐ jiù xiàng yīgè xiǎo xiǎo de xīfāng shìjiè.

English translation of 他的衣橱里就像一个小小的西方世界。

His wardrobe is like a mini Western world.

This comparison implies that the individual's collection of clothes or fashion style is so filled with Western-influenced items, it resembles the Western world in a small scale.


Tā duì xīfāng yìshù yǒuzhe nóng hòu de xìngqù.

English translation of 他对西方艺术有着浓厚的兴趣。

He has a strong interest in Western art.

This sentence is expressing the individual's fondness or passion towards the art produced or originated from the Western countries.


Wǒmen xuéxíle xīfāng de lìshǐ.

English translation of 我们学习了西方的历史。

We studied the history of the West.

This sentence states that the subject has learned about the past events, societies, and cultures occurred in the Western countries.


Xīfāng càiyáo de pēngrèn jìqiǎo hěn jīngzhì.

English translation of 西方菜肴的烹饪技巧很精致。

The cooking techniques of Western cuisine are very refined.

This expression praises the cooking techniques used for preparing Western dishes for being detailed, delicate, or complex.


Tā céng zài xīfāng guójiā gōngzuò guò.

English translation of 他曾在西方国家工作过。

He has worked in Western countries before.

This sentence tells that the individual has previous work experience in the Western countries.


Xīfāng yīnyuè shēn shēn de yǐngxiǎngle tā.

English translation of 西方音乐深深地影响了他。

Western music has deeply influenced him.

This expression shows how the individual has been strongly affected or inspired by the music from the Western cultures.


Wǒmen yīnggāi liǎojiě xīfāng de jiàzhí guān.

English translation of 我们应该了解西方的价值观。

We should understand the values of the West.

The sentence encourages gaining knowledge or perspective on the principles or standards of behavior considered important in the Western cultures.


Xīfāng wénhuà duì tā de xiězuò yǒu hěn dà yǐngxiǎng.

English translation of 西方文化对他的写作有很大影响。

Western culture has heavily influenced his writing.

This sentence indicates how the individual's writing style or content has been significantly impacted by the Western cultures.


Xīfāng de kējì fāzhǎn xùnsù.

English translation of 西方的科技发展迅速。

The development of western technology has been rapid.

The sentence emphasizes on the fast pace of technological advancements occurring in the Western countries.


Wǒ duì xīfāng wénxué hěn yǒu yánjiū.

English translation of 我对西方文学很有研究。

I have done extensive research in Western literature.

This phrase reflects the speaker's thorough investigation or study in the field of literature from the Western countries.

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