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Wǒmen zìjǐ

English translation of 我们自己


The Chinese phrase '我们自己' (Wǒmen zìjǐ) is used in the same way English speakers use 'ourselves.' It can be used to refer to the speaker and the people with them collectively and also to place emphasis on the group of people involved. It's often used in the reflexive sense to express self-action or to stress the subject. For example, we might say, '我们必须自己做这件事' which means 'we must do this thing ourselves.'

Example sentences using: 我们自己


wǒmen zìjǐ zuò de fàn cài zhēn hǎo chī

English translation of 我们自己做的饭菜真好吃。

The food we made ourselves is really delicious.

In this sentence, '我们自己' denotes that the action of making the food was done by us ourselves, showing personal involvement and ownership.


wǒmen zìjǐ xuǎnzé de lù yào zìjǐ zǒu.

English translation of 我们自己选择的路要自己走。

We should walk the path we chose ourselves.

This sentence is expressing the idea of taking responsibility for one's own decisions. '我们自己' signifies the person who made the choice.


wǒmen zìjǐ kěyǐ chǔlǐ zhège wèntí

English translation of 我们自己可以处理这个问题。

We can handle this problem ourselves.

In this sentence, '我们自己' implies that no outside help is required to deal with the situation, emphasizing self-reliance.


wǒmen zìjǐ zhòng de huā kāi le

English translation of 我们自己种的花开了。

The flowers we planted ourselves have bloomed.

Here, '我们自己' is used to indicate personal involvement and effort that went into the action of planting the flowers, now resulting in the blooming outcome.


wǒmen zìjǐ zǔjiàn de tuánduì, yào zìjǐ qù lǐngdǎo

English translation of 我们自己组建的团队,要自己去领导。

We should lead the team we formed ourselves.

The statement talks about taking responsibility for one's own creation, in this case the team. '我们自己' denotes initiating the action.


wǒmen zìjǐ chuàngyè de gōngsī zhèngzài fāzhǎn

English translation of 我们自己创业的公司正在发展。

The company we started ourselves is developing.

'我们自己' in this sentence, emphasizes the work and personal involvement undertaken for starting the company.


wǒmen zìjǐ juédìng de shì, yào zìjǐ chéngdān hòuguǒ

English translation of 我们自己决定的事,要自己承担后果。

We should bear the consequences of the things we decided on ourselves.

The sentence implies that one should take responsibility for the outcomes of their own decisions. Here, '我们自己' is indicating the decision-makers.


wǒmen zìjǐ wàimiàn de péngyou lái zhǎo wǒmen

English translation of 我们自己外面的朋友来找我们。

Friends from outside whom we know ourselves, came to look for us.

In this sentence, '我们自己' illustrates that we personally know the mentioned friends, giving a sense of familiarity and direct connection.


wǒmen zìjǐ zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ

English translation of 我们自己照顾好自己。

We should take good care of ourselves.

This sentence indicates self responsibility and care. Here, '我们自己' means we should be responsible for our own wellbeing.


wǒmen zìjǐ xiě de wénzhāng dōu hěn yǒu shēndù

English translation of 我们自己写的文章都很有深度。

The articles we wrote ourselves are all very insightful.

'我们自己' in this statement reflects the personal effort and thought put into writing the articles, thus attributing the depth and quality result to our own work.

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