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English translation of 温柔地


The Chinese word '温柔地' is an adverb, often used to describe something done with kindness or tenderness. Similar to the English meaning, it can be used to describe people, actions, or characteristics that are soft, gentle, or tender. For instance, one might speak, act, or touch '温柔地'.

Example sentences using: 温柔地


Tā wēnróu de chànggē.

English translation of 她温柔地唱歌。

She sings softly.

This phrase simply describes the gentle nature of her singing.


Tā wēnróu de shūlǐ wǒ de tóufǎ.

English translation of 他温柔地梳理我的头发。

He gently combs my hair.

The phrase elaborates how 'he' is combing 'my' hair with care.


Tā wēnróu de kànzhe tā.

English translation of 他温柔地看着她。

He gently looked at her.

This statement describes how 'he' is looking at 'her' with gentleness. The placement of '温柔地' before the verb emphasizes the manner in which he is doing the action.


Māma wēnróu de hōng zhe háizi shuìjiào.

English translation of 妈妈温柔地哄着孩子睡觉。

Mother softly coaxes the child to sleep.

In this context, '温柔地' indicates the loving and gentle manner in which the mother is trying to get her child to sleep.


Tā wēnróu de fǔmō māo.

English translation of 她温柔地抚摸猫。

She gently strokes the cat.

The phrase explains how 'she' is petting the cat softly, which is commonly done to show affection to animals.


Tā wēnróu de wěn le wǒ.

English translation of 他温柔地吻了我。

He kissed me gently.

In this sentence, '温柔地' is used to evoke the intimacy and tenderness during the act of the kiss.


Yuèguāng wēnróu de sǎi zài dìshàng.

English translation of 月光温柔地洒在地上。

The moonlight gently illuminates the ground.

Here, '温柔地' is used to describe the delicate and soft bathing of the ground by the moonlight.


Yīshēng wēnróu de jiǎnchá tā de màibó.

English translation of 医生温柔地检查她的脉搏。

The doctor gently checks her pulse.

This sentence elucidates that the doctor is examining 'her' pulse with a gentle touch.


Fùqīn wēnróu de fǔmō tā de tóufǎ.

English translation of 父亲温柔地抚摸他的头发。

Father gently strokes his hair.

The phrase illustrates that the father is affectionately caressing his child's hair.


Yǔshuǐ wēnróu de dǎ zài chuānghù shàng.

English translation of 雨水温柔地打在窗户上。

Rain gently hits the window.

In this context, '温柔地' is used metaphorically to give a feeling of gentleness to the precipitation hitting the window surface.

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